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Allegations that Facebook and other platforms have bias in content moderation decisions may not be so far fetched, Jillian York writes

Nilanjana Bhowmick takes apart the latest viral hashtag campaign for the religious takeover of secular India.

From occupied Palestine to Scottish high schools, people across the world are challenging the warmongers. We profiled eight extraordinary people on the peace frontline.

New Internationalist relaunch print magazine

It's finally here. Issue 515, the relaunch magazine, has officially landed!

New Internationalist is an award-winning media co-operative dedicated to socially conscious journalism and publishing. Learn more …

We’re truly independent – no media mogul, no corporate agendas. Our free-thinking, honest reporting offers a unique grassroots take on global affairs.

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Latest issue

September-October 2018, Issue 515

Big story

Also this issue …

  • Cartoon history – Patrice Lumumba
  • Can nationalism be a force for good?
  • Hall of Infamy – Petro Poroshenko
  • What rape tells us about society

Latest from New Internationalist

The front cover of New Internationalist’s redesigned September magazine
New Internationalist talks to Jerusalem In My Heart about their powerful synergy of music and film and the idea that is Jerusalem.

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