This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Ronnie Barkan
  • TOPICS: Resistance to Israeli oppression and apartheid.

Israel’s Anti-Semitism Smear Campaign

Trump put his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a not-too-bright graduate of a Zionist day school and the gzillionaire son of a felonious Trump-like New Jersey real estate mogul, in charge of Middle East diplomacy.  He made a Trump Organization lawyer, Jason Greenblatt, an  “Assistant to the President and Special Representative for International Negotiations.” His bankruptcy lawyer, David Friedman, is his Ambassador to Israel.  All three are in way over their heads; and all three are zealous ethnocrats.  More

Laquan McDonald is Being Tried for His Own Racist Murder

You can watch the tape of Laquan McDonald’s execution.  Just Google up his name and “sixteen shots.”  You can see young Laquan walking away from his murderer, posing no immediate threat to anyone. You can see Laquan’s prone body lying on the ground, curled up in a fetal position and jolted again and again as the crazed, mad-dog killer Officer Van Dyke pumps one more bullet after another into the Black teenager. You can discern smoke rising out of Laquan’s dying body as Van Dyke blasts one more slug after another into his victim. More

What Does It Mean to Celebrate International Peace Day?

We know the world continues to be dangerous. We know our cities are continued targets for indiscriminate attacks. We know we continue to sell arms to brutal dictators on the basis that if we don’t others will. We know we continue to invest heavily in military research and development because that’s just the established order of things. We know there are groups in the world like Islamic State, which revel in the most abhorrent and intimately barbaric acts of killing upon anybody who doesn’t fit into their dystopian visions. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Child Separators

In this Issue: Laura Carlsen on building a movement against ICE. Trump vs. the Intelligence Agencies by Mel Goodman; The Browning of the Left by Dan Glazebrook; Mexico Under AMLO by Kent Paterson; Who’s Afraid of Hannah Arendt by Michael Dolinar; The Violence of Capitalism by Ron Jacobs; The Psychology of the Rich by Daniel Raventós and Julie Wark; Summer of Fire by Jeffrey St. Clair; The Hell We are Now In by Chris Floyd; Is the Universal Basic Income Worth the Fight? by Pete Dolack; What Color is Music? Lee Ballinger.

Serve The Servants (Live On “Tunnel”, Rome, Italy/1994)
