Santiago, Chile: Responsibility Claim for the Arson Attack Against the UMCE (Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences) Bioterium

September 23rd, 2018

We claim responsibility for the incendiary attack against the UMCE’s bioterium. With this claim we want to make some points.

1. This action was aimed at the destruction and evacuation of a building used to torture, mistreat and experiment on animals. A place that on several occasions has been boycotted by groups that have rescued animals that were imprisoned there.
Despite these acts of sabotage, the enclosure was once again filled with animals, again and again.

So, when we read a few weeks ago the responsibility claim from the compañerxs who rescued the rats and frogs from this bioterium, we had no doubt that it was time for direct action and fire to close this place.

2. We are individuals who are not connected to the protests or the university. At no time did we seek to terrorize the people who carried out the protests at the UMCE. The action was planned carefully to safeguard the people who live on the university campus and to avoid physically hurting anybody.

3. We claim responsibility to position ourselves and to question the tolerance and complicity that has been involved in the torture of animals in this university, both during and before the protests, and the silence and false criticism of those who remained passive to the confinement and experimentation on animals, allowing it to continue unhindered. Let it be clear, silence and passivity make us accomplices of torture!

4. We carry out direct action as an active form of confrontation against dominion, against passive normality that is complicit in torture, in all its forms. We cannot remain apathetic to animal exploitation. We do not want bigger cages or ‘more ethical’ conditions for torture, we want to destroy all the cages and all forms of exploitation.

Tomorrow you can be sure that other laboratories will be victims of our fire!
The spirit for animal liberation is unbreakable!

Incendiary Plague

Source (+ Photos)

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Mengungkap Art Cabrera! (Mengungkap Gereja ITS bag i)

September 22nd, 2018

Arturo Vasquez (Atassa)

Arturo Vasquez (Atassa)

EN: Who is Arturo Vasquez, a Paralegal or an Eco-Extremist Mafia? (USA)
ES: EE.UU : ¿Quién es Arturo Vasquez, un asistente legal o uno de la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”?

Mari kembali menyingkap tirai dari apa yang disebut dan mengklaim “Mafia Eko-Ekstrimis” dan memaparkan Infor mengenai mereka melalui kontak kami. Melacak dan mengumpulkan informasi tentang musuh-musuh otoriter, fasis, reaksioner, dan irasional, bagi kami adalah bagian dari kegiatan kami sebagai anarkis. “Mafia” ini mengatakan bahwa mereka telah bersembunyi dalam bayang-bayang untuk waktu yang lama, yang sebenarnya dimaksud bayang-bayang adalah bersembunyi di balik lemari dengan amplop, kertas, pena dan komputer.

“Art Cabrera” adalah Arturo Vasquez. Siapa “Art Cabrera”? Ia adalah editor dari jurnal eko-fasis Atassa, yang merupakan versi bahasa Inggris dari Gereja ITS Mexico, ‘Individualists Tending Towards the Wild’.

Vasquez, seonggok sampah yang bertanggung jawab untuk menerjemahkan dan menyebarkan apa yang disebut ‘Ekologi Ekstrimis’ dari Amerika Serikat, sedang mencoba untuk memajukan doktrin reaksionernya sambil menjalani kehidupan ganda yang benar-benar palsu dan tidak otentik. Kami bersuka cita untuk mempublikasikan nama aslinya, foto dan detail kontak tempat kerjanya hanya agar dia kerepotan, mau itu kecil atau besar. Karena Vasquez selalu sangat senang melayani Gereja ITS. Menghasut ancaman pembunuhan terhadap rekan-rekan anarkis kami dan meyakini dia tak tersentuh, kami sangat senang melakukan doxxing kepadanya. Ini adalah perusahaan tempat dia bekerja dalam kehidupan aslinya, dan jelas cukup jelas bahwa ia bukanlah seorang yang sungguh seperti apa yang ia paparkan dalam jurnalnya:


Mungkin beberapa kawan anti-fasis dan anarkis di Amerika ingin menghubungi tempat kerjanya dan istrinya untuk memperingatkannya bahwa dia adalah anggota berbahaya dari “Mafia Eko-Ekstremis”, semua rincian kontak mereka dapat ditemukan di sana. Read the rest of this entry »

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Germany: Cop Cars Torched in Frankfurt / Offenbach

September 22nd, 2018

IT: Offenbach, Germania – Incediate auto della polizia contro la repressione e in solidarietà alla resistenza di Hambach

Yes, this is an attack against the police. This is an attack against the state power that the police represent. This is an attack against a regulatory power that for many people means daily humiliation, violence and exclusion.

In Offenbach, many people hate the police. On the night of the 13th to the 14th of September 2018 we torched some cop cars in the parking lot of the cop station in Offenbach am Main.

The letter claiming responsibility which was also sent to the media:

The best way to explain what we do is that everyone can understand the image of burning cop cars.

Yes, this is an attack against the police. This is an attack against the state power that the police represent. This is an attack against a regulatory power that for many people means daily humiliation, violence and exclusion.

In Offenbach, many people hate the police. Read the rest of this entry »

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Fire Ant: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #1 (USA)

September 20th, 2018


Fire Ant is a new publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both sides of the walls.

Issue #1 contains writings by Michael Kimble, Jennifer Gann, Eric King, and Sean Swain, as well as a text in solidarity with Marius Mason.

If you would like to support Fire Ant and wider efforts in solidarity with anarchist prisoners, please print and distribute this publication or donate to Bloomington ABC’s Anarchist Prisoner War Fund.

The Fire Ant collective can be contacted at

Fire Ant
PO Box 164
Harmony, ME 04942

via Bloomington ABC

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Posted in Library |

Journalist fell from tree and died – activists demand immediate intervention stop in Hambach Forest (Germany)

September 20th, 2018

A friend who has accompanied us as a journalist for a long time in the forest, fell today [19/9] from a suspension bridge over 20 meters high in Beechtown and died. At that time police and RWE tried to evict the tree house village. The SEK [special forces cops] was in the process of arresting an activist near the suspension bridge. Our friend was apparently on the way there when he fell.

We are deeply shaken. All our thoughts and desires are with him. Our compassion goes to all the relatives, friends and people who feel concerned.

We urge the police and RWE to leave the forest immediately and stop this dangerous operation. No further lives may be endangered.

What is needed now is a moment of rest.

Even if this is difficult for you at the moment, just as it is difficult for us to give such a factual hint: We recommend, in order to protect all activists, do not give any statements, nor even make any testimonies at the police. The accident must and will be reappraised, but the police are not the place to do that. Their interest is to blame activists.


via ABC Rhineland

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Contra la Vigilancia del Estado de Reino Unido – Contra el CCTV de Reconocimiento Facial

September 20th, 2018

EN: Against Surveillance State UK – Against Facial Recognition CCTV


Gran Bretaña es un Estado autoritario de vigilancia, que ha sido pionero en el aspecto de muchas de las sociedades modernas; que están completamente cubiertos por cámaras de seguridad en casi cada punto urbano, plaza, camino, esquina, tienda, autobús, tren, etc. Parcialmente en un estado de perpetua decadencia y deterioro, aquí han construido una vida como si fuera una gran prisión, y es como se ve su mundo. Sociedad carcelaria un sinfín de monótonos centros comerciales, urbanizaciones, bloques de pisos, áreas industriales y recreativas, las cuales son capaces de encerrarlos en un corto plazo. Simulacros de respuesta antiterrorista de múltiples agencias a gran escala practicados regularmente para posibles ataques terroristas o disturbios en el centro de la ciudad. Los medios de control mental emiten mentiras, medias verdades, distracciones, deseos imposibles de consumismo, mañana, tarde y noche. Cada evento masivo potencialmente perturbador, crisis social y ambiental, es promocionado por los medios como una amenaza de un final tan abrupto a la normalidad que al menos todos los recursos de la policía serán tan escasos que los militares tendrán que involucrarse para restaurar el orden bajo la ley marcial. Austeridad, inundaciones, Brexit, inmigración, islamismo. Los discursos e ideologías reaccionarias, racistas, nacionalistas están en todas partes; grupos neonazis, religiosos y de extrema derecha se están reagrupando. La idea anarquista y de la eco-acción se les llaman “extremismo” o “terrorismo”, en el doble discurso del estado policial. Nunca habrá ninguna posibilidad de cambio individual, social y ambiental sin la recreación de la vida diaria en una existencia que refleje nuestros deseos, pasiones y alegrías, en lugar de ser un engranaje en su sistema de miedo. Asimismo, no hay posibilidad de ningún cambio social sin una insurrección, una guerra social. Read the rest of this entry »

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EE.UU : ¿Quién es Arturo Vasquez, un asistente legal o uno de la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”?

September 19th, 2018

Arturo Vasquez (Atassa)

EN: Who is Arturo Vasquez, a Paralegal or an Eco-Extremist Mafia? (USA)
BAHASA: Mengungkap Art Cabrera! (Mengungkap Gereja ITS)

Ayudemos a cerrar la cortina ala llamada “Mafia Eco-Extremista” y exponerlxs un poco más con la ayuda de nuestros contactos. El seguimiento y la recopilación de información sobre nuestrxs enemigxs autoritarixs, fascistas, reaccionarixs e irracionalistas es parte de nuestras accionar como anarquistas. Esta “Mafia” ha dicho que han estado escondidos en las sombras por un largo tiempo, pero posiblemente se hanestado escondiendo en el armario donde guardan laescoba con los sobres, papeles, bolígrafos y computadoras.

“Art Cabrera” es Arturo Vasquez. ¿Quién es “Art Cabrera”? Ese es el editor de la revista eco-fascista Atassa, que es la voz de lengua inglesa de la Iglesia de ITS México, “Individualistas tendiendo hacia lo salvaje”

Vasquez, un pedazo de basura, que es responsable de traducir y difundir el llamado ‘eco-extremismo‘ enlos Estados Unidos, está tratando de avanzar en su doctrina reaccionaria mientras vive una vida doble completamente falsa e poco auténtica. Nos complace publicar su nombre real, foto y detalles de contacto del lugar de trabajo para causarle problemas, menores o mayores. Como Vásquez siempre ha estado muy contento de servir a la Iglesia del Eco-Extremismo, ha instigado amenazas de muerte contra nuestrxs compañerxs anarquistas y cree que es intocable, disfrutamos muchísimo de él. Esta es la compañía para la que trabaja en su vida real, no la de fantasía, donde es el jefe de la “Mafia Eco-Extremista” en los Estados Unidos:


Tal vez algunxs de lxs compañerxs antifascistas y anarquistas en Estados Unidos deseen contactarse con su lugar de trabajo ocon su esposa para advertirle que es un miembro peligroso de la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”, todos sus detalles de contacto se encuentran allí. Read the rest of this entry »

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Against Surveillance State UK – Against Facial Recognition CCTV

September 19th, 2018

Against Surveillance State UK – Against Facial Recognition CCTV

Britain is an authoritarian surveillance State, which has pioneered how many modern societies look; entirely covered by security cameras at almost every urban point, place, square, road, corner, shop, bus, train, etc. Partially perpetually in a state of decay and disrepair, here they have built a life almost as in a vast prison, and it is what their world looks like. Prison society; endless drab shopping centres, housing estates, tower blocks, industrial and recreational areas capable of being on lock-down at short notice. Regularly practised large-scale multi-agency counter-terror response drills to terrorist attacks, inner-city riots. Mind-control media beams out lies, half-truths, distractions, impossible consumer desires, morning, noon and night. Every potentially disruptive mass event, social and environmental crisis, is hyped by the media as threatening such an abrupt end to normality that at least all the police’s resources will be stretched so thin that the military will have to be involved to restore order under martial law. Austerity, flooding, Brexit, immigration, Islamism. Reactionary, racist, nationalist discourses and ideologies are everywhere; religious and far-right neo-nazi groups are regrouping. Anarchist and eco-action is called “extremism” or “terrorism”, in the double-speak of the police-state. There will never be any chance of individual, social and environmental change without the recreation of daily life into an existence that reflects our desires, passions and joys, rather than a cog in their system of fear. Likewise there is zero possibility of any social change without an insurrection, a social war. Read the rest of this entry »

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New ‘Prison Island’ publication about prison expansion by Corporate Watch (UK)

September 19th, 2018

Corporate Watch released its new report on prison expansion in England, Wales and Scotland: PRISON ISLAND. It shines a light on one of the biggest prison building programs in generations.

The UK prison population has risen by 82% in the last 30 years. We are increasingly becoming a ‘prison island’, where state violence and imprisonment are used to maintain a divided society built on exploitation. England and Wales have the highest imprisonment rate in western Europe, with Scotland the third most imprisoning country.

This once-in-a-generation prison building programme represents a significant expansion of the repressive apparatus of the British state, entrenching the power of corporations in the criminal justice system even further. This report aims to document and contextualise this escalation in mass incarceration and provide information to support those fighting against it.



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Warsaw Anti-Prison Days 2018 (Poland)

September 19th, 2018

Dear Comrades,

ABC Warsaw would love to invite you for Antiprison Days, which takes place October 26th-28th 2018 in Warsaw! Right now we prepare the program for this event but we can tell you that our plans are so ambitious!

It’s 5th time when we organize Antiprison Days in Warsaw. We invite you to join interesting discussions and worsksops (for ex. presentation about the “Network” repressions or workshop about transformative justice). Also we are planning anti-police and anti-repression movies, benefit tattoos, and disco party!

We see Antiprison Days as a opportunity to meet with people, exchange knowledge and skills, talk about topics important to us, and making links between groups and individuals and have fun – and sharing our ideas with new people as well. So if you would like to join us (maybe with your distros or presentation/workshop) you’re more than welcome!

At the beginning of October we will present to you the program of the event. If you have any suggestions, proposals or questions – please write to us.

Hope to see each other in Warsaw

In solidarity
Warsaw ABC


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About the ‘Novichok’ attacks (UK)

September 18th, 2018

An old game, the intrigues of the State. Sergei Skripal, a Russian spy who defected to England is poisoned with an exotic substance in unclear circumstances, his daughter found slumped with him on a park bench, both so delirious that the paramedics and police thought that they had been exposed to a bad batch of drugs initially. Emergency chemical, biological and nuclear warfare protocols are activated in what looks like a hopelessly inept government response in the town of Salisbury, and the spy and the young daughter are in a critical condition with high-level hospital treatment in the ‘protection’ of the State. A media wave of predictable standards accompanies; the politics of fear, nationalism and cold war, with the FIFA Russia 2018 World Cup as the spectacle which is the backdrop to the chemical attack. It looks like a hit in Putin’s ‘soft war’ against the British Crown.

Weeks later, two locals, Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, who have no apparent connection to the spy, his daughter or the Russian government, fall critically ill in Amesbury on June 30, 2018. Hallucinations and psychomimetic effects leading to unconsciousness, alleged BZ* drug-type reactions from a neurotoxin thought to be so immediately deadly it needs sophisticated lab equipment to produce it and special handling. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anitra Guillory, wife of “Eco-Extremist Mafia” is a vivisectionist (USA)

September 16th, 2018

Continuing our exposure of the nihilist-right and eco-fascist group, Church of ITS Mexico, we briefly look at the wife of Arturo Vasquez (Abe Cabrera), editor of “Eco-Extremist Mafia” publication Atassa. We inform the facts that his wife, in the course of her studies into fields of ‘scientific research’, Biomedical Engineering and Neurobiology, has performed horrific experiments on animals.

A little bit of research can confirm that she has committed vivisection; useless and torturous cruelties done on living beings for no other reason than to progress with her own paltry and worthless career papers, just to throw away those little animals like they were nothing. So, this is the life-partner of the editor of the supposedly ‘iconoclastic’ ‘eco-extremist’ journal Atassa, and this is the family environment Vasquez is in with his kids. Read the rest of this entry »

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Solidarity with Anindya Shabrina (Indonesia)

September 16th, 2018

One of the women activists of the National Student Front (FMN) and also a radical feminist who is active as editor in chief of Merah Muda Memudar (MMM), Anindya Shabrina, was threatened with criminalization after complaining of sexual abuse cases by police officers she experienced during the forced dissolution of discussions of Papuan students in Surabaya at Friday, July 6, 2018.

Papuan students living in a student dormitory on Kalasan, Surabaya, East Java held a film screening of the 1998 Biak Papua bloody tragedy. When film discussions were underway, police intelligence entered the dormitory, which was immediately followed by other police officers and Satpol PP personnel. Papuan students standing near the door and discussing the event with the police were dragged out and provoked by the police. Read the rest of this entry »

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London: Demo against the far right – Oct 13 (UK)

September 15th, 2018

A coalition of groups including London Antifascists have made a call-out for a unity demonstration against the far right Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA). The far right have proved themselves to be a resurgent threat this year, mobilising a 20,000 strong rally in central London in June and have attacked trade unionists, people of colour and left wing bookshops. Left unchecked they are sure to repeat these outrageous attacks.

Antifascists have started to come together to counter this new threat. In July a militant bloc of around 500 antifascists came together to oppose a #FreeTommy demonstration. Look out for ways you can get involved in building a mass antifascist movement in the coming weeks.

If you are in London please save the date and join the demonstration. If you are outside of London consider organising transport for your friends and comrades. Meet up point TBA.


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Who is Arturo Vasquez, a Paralegal or an Eco-Extremist Mafia? (USA)

September 15th, 2018

Arturo Vasquez (Atassa)

EE.UU : ¿Quién es Arturo Vasquez, un asistente legal o uno de la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”?
BAHASA: Mengungkap Art Cabrera! (Mengungkap Gereja ITS bag i)

Let’s help pull back the curtain on the so-called “Eco-Extremist Mafia” and expose them a bit more with the aid of our contacts. Tracking and collecting information on our authoritarian, fascist, reactionary and irrationalist enemies is part of our activities as anarchists. This “Mafia” have said they have been hiding in the shadows for a long time, but possibly this one has been hiding in the broom cupboard with the envelopes, papers, pens and computers.

“Art Cabrera” is Arturo Vasquez. Who is “Art Cabrera”? That is the editor of the eco-fascist journal Atassa, which is the English language mouth-piece of the Church of ITS Mexico, ‘Individualists Tending Toward the Wild’.

Vasquez, a piece of trash who is responsible for translating and spreading so-called ‘Eco-Extremism’ from the United States, is trying to advance his reactionary doctrine whilst living a completely fake and inauthentic double-life. We are happy to publish his real name, photo and workplace contact details to cause him problems, minor or major. Since Vasquez has always been very glad to serve the Church of Eco-Extremism, instigated death threats against our anarchist comrades and is believing he is untouchable, we take great delight in doxxing him. This is the company he works for in his real life, not the fantasy one where he is the boss of the “Eco-Extremist Mafia” in America:


Maybe some of the anti-fascist and anarchist comrades in America would like to contact his workplace and his wife to warn her that he is a dangerous member of the “Eco-Extremist Mafia”, all their contact details are to be found there.

Arturo is a paralegal in his day job. If he isn’t fully lying, his day job is supposed to be legal work for migrants, but he claims he voted for Trump. Considering the infusion of corporate espionage these days, it’s just as probable that a troll like Arturo might just as well be a corporate spy, as a deluded fantasist authoritarian. According to the workplace website of his real life, Vasquez graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor’s Degree in Latin American Studies, and he works primarily in the area of employment-based immigration law. It also mentions that Vasquez spent considerable time in both Mexico and Argentina, and is fluent in Spanish, which certainly fits the picture of a Berkeley University graduate who travelled abroad and thinks himself rather clever.

That this simple-looking, ugly, bald, fat-necked Catholic asshole has convinced quite a few supposedly radical ‘anarchists’ and ‘nihilists’ to join the Choir of the ITS is hilarious, more fool them. This is who Aragorn and LBC is willing to get into bed with just to irresponsibly try to stir shit up. Arturo Vasquez is a fucking loser and should be used as target practice. Shot, stabbed, beaten, burned, whatever. Come to Europe, Arturo, on a speaking tour and promote your book, let’s see what will happen to you. May there be some willing anarchists of praxis near-by who will put you out of your misery, you misanthropic waste.

And, as what most of us suspected to be true, the editor of Atassa is a Catholic, ex-Liberation Theologist, with a Marxist back-story. Arturo’s wife works for the same Legal firm, her name is Anitra. Apparently, neither Anitra nor Vasquez’s kids know about his online eco-fascist “Mafia“ life at all. Anitra studied Biomedical Engineering in Texas A&M University and has a doctorate in Neurobiology from the University of Chicago. Are they not similar studies to those ITS targeted in Mexico?

Maybe Arturo wants his wife dead, raped or maimed too in his secret life.

Arturo, maybe it’s time to tell your wife Anitra and your kids that you believe in rape culture, femicide, and indiscriminate terror in the name of your newest religious concept, Wild Nature. Or does Anitra already know you had a ‘Wild Nature’, a Janus? Is there something else that also is as two-faced and inauthentic in Arturo’s inner life that expresses itself in a life lived in deceit? Let’s find out.


Thank you to our source.

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