This document refers to an outdated version of Graph API. Please use the latest version.
Graph API Version

ThreatExchange Overview

Most threat intelligence solutions suffer because the data is too hard to standardize and verify. Facebook created the ThreatExchange platform so that participating organizations can share threat data using a convenient, structured, and easy-to-use API that provides privacy controls to enable sharing with only desired groups. You can apply for the beta today!

Getting Started

Learn how ThreatExchange is structured and walk through some steps to get started.

API Structure

Learn how the ThreatExchange API makes use of the Graph API and try a few calls to get started.

Best Practices

Make the most effective use of the API by following these tips.

Reference Code on GitHub

Use freely available libraries in Javascript, PHP, Python and Ruby to speed-up your integration and development.

ThreatExchange API

Your one stop shop for ThreatExchange resources.

Further Reading

Look here for anything else you may be missing.