asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليلEgiaztatu kontua


Professor at California State University, Stanislaus. Obviously, my views are my own and not of the university where I teach or the city where I live.

Modesto, CA
2009(e)ko uztaila(e)tik Twitterren
Jaioteguna: 1960(e)ko martxoaren 16(a)


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  1. Finkatutako Txioa

    الساكت عن فلسطين صهيوني ناطق.

  2. Israeli soldier says it is his job to frighten 5-year-old Palestinians – Mondoweiss

  3. I have never felt more proud of my country of origin, but still aspire for Lebanon to be number 1. Worst electricity supply, 2017. (out of 137 countries) 1. Yemen 2. Nigeria 3. Haiti 4. Lebanon 5. Malawi

  4. Does Ben Hubbard mean that even babies in the neighborhood are Iran-backed? “an area that is home to many supporters of the Iran-backed militia Hezbollah” Hezbollah Says Drones That Crashed in Beirut Suburbs Came from Israel - The New York Times

  5. Look how the worst Western correspondent in the Middle East, Liz Sly, justifies Israeli bombing in 3 Arab countries: “Israeli efforts to contain the expansion of Iranian influence in the region”

  6. Water cannons at protesters in Hong Kong offend Western media far more than live ammunition by Israel against protesters in Palestine. via

  7. This is how Ben Hubbard defines a neighborhood in Lebanon: “an area that is home to many supporters of the Iran-backed militia Hezbollah” Imagine if this was said about a Jewish neighborhood in Israel, that it houses militant supporters of Likud.

  8. “The Jewish left rejects the idea that anti-Zionism is equivalent to anti-Semitism, but even more than that, it rejects the idea that Israel is the guarantor of Jewish safety or the lodestar of Jewish identity.” via

  9. Look at this sinister picture: Gary Ackerman was a staunch and fanatic supporter of Israel, but for this story the Jerusalem Post could not find any picture of his with successive Israeli leaders but found one picture of him with Yasser Arafat, as if they were allies or friends.

  10. Police responding to violent robbery at Modesto’s Vintage Faire Mall

  11. يتساءل مراقبون ومراقبات: ماذا كان يفعل قائد الجيش طيلة هذا اليوم الصاخب, وهو الذي لا ينفكّ عن الإصرار أن الجيش على "جهوزيّة تامّة" لردّ أي عدوان خارجي وداخلي؟

  12. Obama and Bush launched far more wars and military attacks than Trump.

  13. I read in the Washington Post calls for civility in American politics in the name of John McCain. McCain, during his presidential campaigns would refer to Vietnamese people as “gooks” and the press would find that amusing. He refused to apologize for the slur.

  14. بعض أعوان إسرائيل في لبنان (مثل زلمة رفيق الحريري هذا) يسارعون إلى الردّ ضد حزب الله (عن عدوان إسرائيل) قبل ان يردّ نتانياهو. هذا ما خلّفه لنا رفيق الحريري في لبنان: "مكاري: لبنان طائرة مسيّرة بيد ⁧حزب_الله⁩"

  15. Israel is now attacking Eastern Lebanon: Ben Hubbard will file the story under: Eastern Lebanon aggressively and provocatively receives Israeli bombs. Israel is a nation in anguish.

  16. So his God saved him in order that he devotes himself to right-wing causes? ““That I was saved when all those others died, I felt that the good Lord spared my life for a purpose.”

  17. "حدود الأدوار تُرسم بالنار", وهناك زميلك قُطع بالمنشار.

  18. يعني ما تقوله في هذه التغريدة (التي أعاد تغريدها الصهاينة وأتباع النظام السعودي) أن المزارع هي إسرائيليّة وأن على إسرائيل التمتّع بها لأن ما اعتبرته زلّة لسان من نصرالله—وهو ليس بذلك للناطقين والناطقات بالعربيّة—يمنح شرعيّة لاحتلال إسرائيل, في نظرها.

  19. I am of a generation which witnessed both phases: in the past when Arabs defended themselves against Israel aggression, Zionist propaganda accused them of being mere tools of the USSR, just as today they accuse them of being mere tools for Iran—as if they have no reason to resist

  20. أنا من جيل عاصرَ المرحلتيْن: عندما كانت الدعاية الصهيونيّة تقول عن العرب عندما يدافعون عن أنفسهم إنهم مجرّد أدوات بيد الاتحاد السوفياتي, إلى اليوم عندما يقولون إنهم مجرّد أدوات في يد النظام الإيراني. الاستقلالية في هذا التعريف هي الاستسلام لهم.

  21. اكتشفتُ اليوم أن منصور بطيش هو مِن أفضل مَن دافع عن المقاومة وعن مواجهة إسرائيل. فليتعلّمْ باقي الوزراء.


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