Twitter SafetyVerifizierter Account


Tweeting the latest safety tools, resources, and updates from . For support, visit

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Beigetreten Dezember 2009


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  1. 10. Sep.

    If you or someone you know is suffering, know there is help. You can: 1. Reach out to one of our trusted partners 2. Visit our Help Center for more information

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  2. 10. Sep.

    When certain search terms are used, a notification will appear as the top result, providing the contact details of local mental health support service (available in 10 countries).

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  3. 10. Sep.

    At Twitter, we believe that addressing mental health takes all of us. We recognize that we have a role and responsibility to help ensure that people can access and receive support when they need it most.

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  4. 10. Sep.

    Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. Tweeting , , , and will activate the international symbol for World Suicide Prevention Day.

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  5. 6. Sep.

    We will continue to evaluate reports we receive regarding other accounts potentially associated with or and will take action if content that violates our rules is reported or if other accounts are utilized in an attempt to circumvent their ban.

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  6. 6. Sep.

    As we continue to increase transparency around our rules and enforcement actions, we wanted to be open about this action given the broad interest in this case. We do not typically comment on enforcement actions we take against individual accounts, for their privacy.

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  7. 6. Sep.

    Today, we permanently suspended and from Twitter and Periscope. We took this action based on new reports of Tweets and videos posted yesterday that violate our abusive behavior policy, in addition to the accounts’ past violations.

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  8. 2. Sep.

    We still factor behavioral signals into how we rank Tweets because we believe this is critical to serving healthy public conversation. As always, we’ll continue to refine our approach and will be transparent about why we make the decisions that we do.

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  9. 2. Sep.

    Why? When we looked more closely at how the behavior model was being used within search, we made the decision that a higher level of precision is needed when deciding whether content should or shouldn’t be surfaced.

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  10. 2. Sep.

    They were visible in Latest if you turned off the quality filter in search, as well as in Top search and elsewhere throughout the product. We made a change on Friday to ensure these accounts are included in the Latest tab by default.

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  11. 2. Sep.

    If our model determined there was a higher likelihood of an account’s behavior being viewed as abusive, results from those accounts weren’t visible by default in the Latest tab.

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  12. 2. Sep.

    In May we introduced efforts to improve conversational health. Based on your feedback, we realize some of these efforts created confusion about results in the Latest search tab. In response, we want to share a recent change we’ve made.

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  13. 27. Aug.

    We identified one advertiser from the newly suspended set that ran $30 in ads in 2017. Those ads did not target the U.S. and the billing address was located outside of Iran. We remain engaged with law enforcement and our peer companies on this issue.

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  14. 27. Aug.

    Fewer than 100 of the 770 suspended accounts claimed to be located in the U.S. and many of these were sharing divisive social commentary. On average, these 100 Tweeted 867 times, were followed by 1, 268 accounts, and were less than a year old. Examples below.

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  15. 27. Aug.

    Since our initial suspensions last Tuesday, we have continued our investigation, further building our understanding of these networks. In addition, we suspended an additional 486 accounts for violating the policies outlined last week. This brings the total suspended to 770.

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  16. 27. Aug.

    Today, a number of accounts were accidentally placed in read-only mode pending providing a phone number. This was a mistake and we apologize – we’ve since reversed the action. When accounts are in read-only mode, follows are temporarily archived but should all return shortly.

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  17. 22. Aug.

    There’s now a default filter for your Direct Messages, which hides conversation requests that may be lower quality. Learn more:

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  18. 22. Aug.

    As with prior investigations, we are committed to engaging with other companies and relevant law enforcement entities. Our goal is to assist investigations into these activities and where possible, we will provide the public with transparency and context on our efforts.

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  19. 22. Aug.

    Working with our industry peers today, we have suspended 284 accounts from Twitter for engaging in coordinated manipulation. Based on our existing analysis, it appears many of these accounts originated from Iran.

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  20. 14. Aug.

    We will continue this work in the coming weeks as we identify others who are attempting to Tweet following an account suspension. If you believe your account has been suspended in error, please let us know.

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