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of Wikimedia Deutschland
Free Knowledge
Our vision is a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.


We promote Free Knowledge to further equal access to knowledge and education.
Portrait of Abraham Taherivand
Abraham Taherivand
Executive Director

The free encyclopaedia Wikipedia is written by volunteer authors. There is no full-time editorial staff, instead Wikipedia thrives on the participation of as many people as possible. But the number of active authors is decreasing. If this trend continues, articles will become impossible to maintain, and there won't be any new ones.

We are therefore committed to ensure that Wikipedia is reliable, comprehensive and up to date in the future as well. We draw people's attention to the fact that they can participate in Wikipedia and offer interested people help and entry opportunities.

We encourage all authors – whether new or already active for many years – and are at their side when it comes to putting their plans into action. For example, we award scholarships, help with workshops and competitions, or provide technical support.



Kostas Kokkinos from Athens, Greece (, „Words on a Wall“,

UNESCO calls for participation: Recommendations on Open Educational Resources

Until June 1st 2018, UNESCO invites you to comment on its first draft recommendation to its member states on Open Educational Resources online. Why we are involved and why it matters. …

To the blog post

Our board

Tim Moritz Hector

Portrait of Tim Moritz Hector


»As chair of the board, I am committed to making the Wikimedia world understandable and accessible to all. For me, Free Knowledge means more available knowledge for everybody and thus more educational justice. For me, this is the key to a mature society.«


Sabria David

Portrait of Sabria David

Vice chair

»As vice chair, I take care of the strategic affairs of the association and its global role. With the support of the largest of all sources of knowledge, there is also a responsibility for society as a whole. Time and again, I'm concerned with how we can make the global movement and Wikipedia sustainable.«


Kurt Jansson

Portrait of Kurt Jansson

Vice chair

»I am one of the founders of Wikimedia Deutschland and was chairman of the association for five years. I work in the committees on strategy and finance. The idea of gathering and sharing knowledge brought me to Wikipedia in 2001 and still motivates me to get involved in Free Knowledge.«


Sebastian Moleski

Portrait of Sebastian Moleski


»Equality of opportunity is very important to me. That is why, with my work on the board, I would like to contribute to giving people access to knowledge and education. I have been active in Wikipedia since 2004 and work both as treasurer and in the financial supervision of the association.«


Harald Krichel

Portrait of Harald Krichel


»Since 2003 I am active as an author, photographer and administrator in Wikipedia. That is why it is particularly important to me to represent the position of the community on the board. I used to be a fan of Brockhaus, but today I think it's great to always have knowledge in the bag and above all to contribute to it.«


Lukas Mezger

Portrait of Lukas Mezger


»I am committed to ensuring that Wikimedia Deutschland supports the work of the Wikipedia authors in the best possible way. I believe that more knowledge can make us better people. I also want to get the idea of Free Knowledge shared by as many institutions and organizations as possible.«


Johanna Niesyto

Portrait of Johanna Niesyto


»It is important to me that the association is committed to Free Knowledge for society as a whole. It takes a smart strategy, patience and a lived cooperation culture. According to the saying: 'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.'«


Peter Dewald

Portrait of Peter Dewald


»I am looking back on 35 years of leadership experience and volunteering. For me Wikipedia has created within a few years the basis for free access to extensive knowledge for millions of people. I would like to promote the development of the association and its initiatives on the board.«


Gabriele Theren

Portrait of Gabriele Theren


»As a lawyer and head of the social and occupational safety section of the Ministry of Social Affairs of Saxony-Anhalt, I would like to contribute my experience with authorities and organizations to Wikimedia. I am delighted to be able to support the idea of spreading free access to knowledge and to be able to participate practically.«

Referenzliste schließen
    jump back to citation 2 René Zieger, Abraham Taherivand WMDE, Beschnitt von Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0
    jump back to citation 4 René Zieger, Tim Moritz Hector WMDE 03, Beschnitt durch Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0
    jump back to citation 5 René Zieger, Sabria David WMDE 03, Beschnitt durch Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0
    jump back to citation 6 René Zieger, Kurt Jansson WMDE 02, Beschnitt durch Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0
    jump back to citation 7 René Zieger, Sebastian Moleski WMDE, Beschnitt durch Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0
    jump back to citation 8 René Zieger, Harald Krichel WMDE, Beschnitt durch Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0
    jump back to citation 9 René Zieger, Lukas Mezger WMDE 02, Beschnitt durch Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0
    jump back to citation 10 René Zieger, Johanna Niesyto WMDE, Beschnitt durch Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0
    jump back to citation 11 René Zieger, Peter Dewald WMDE, Beschnitt durch Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0
    jump back to citation 12 René Zieger, Gabriele Theren WMDE, Beschnitt durch Atelier Disko, CC BY-SA 4.0