Life & relationships | News | The Sydney Morning Herald


Life & relationships

#CelebratingWomen shows the power of women boosting women

#CelebratingWomen shows the power of women boosting women

How a little hashtag started a viral movement to unite and promote women's power in Australia.

  • by Kristin Ferguson


Consent is a road map to a great sex life
Daily Life

Consent is a road map to a great sex life

'Sexual consent is a bedroom game changer, and a whole lot less awkward than you may think.'

  • by Georgie Wolf
Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 20

Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 20

Free daily horoscope for each star sign from renowned Astrologer Kelli Fox. Forecasts for the week ahead in life, love and career.

  • by Kelli Fox
Why the phenomenon of the Alpha male is a ruse
Daily Life

Why the phenomenon of the Alpha male is a ruse

Men have seen behind the curtain and understand being the hard-working, hard-partying Alpha Male is just a Trojan Horse for an unfulfilled and lonely life.

  • by Natalie Reilly
Your Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 19

Your Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 19

Free daily horoscope for each star sign from renowned Astrologer Kelli Fox. Forecasts for the week ahead in life, love and career.

  • by Kelli Fox
Julie Bishop and co are looking like quite the 'nasty women'

Julie Bishop and co are looking like quite the 'nasty women'

If you are all about equal opportunity and equal representation of women in the halls of power and influence, "nasty" is a compliment.

  • by Wendy Tuohy
Scientists identify four personality types

Scientists identify four personality types

A new study, based on huge sets of personality data, has persuaded one of the staunchest critics of personality tests to conclude that maybe distinct personality types exist, after all.

  • by Ben Guarino
How would you like a dating app that allows people to rate each other?

How would you like a dating app that allows people to rate each other?

A new dating app aims to keep it as real as possible, insisting on at least one current, unfiltered picture, and allowing users to rate each other.

  • by Kerri Sackville
Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 18

Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 18

Free daily horoscope for each star sign from renowned Astrologer Kelli Fox. Forecasts for the week ahead in life, love and career.

  • by Kelli Fox
Single women are turning the 'cat lady' stereotype on its head
Sex & relationships

Single women are turning the 'cat lady' stereotype on its head

It used to be that a couple or a family with a cat is adorable; a single woman with a cat is a future health hazard. Not anymore.

  • by Alana Schetzer
If police can't protect a woman from her threatening ex, who can?
Family violence

If police can't protect a woman from her threatening ex, who can?

'Next time this angry, drunk man turns up yelling abuse at my small, female neighbour... if my husband isn't home I will be too scared to help.'

  • by Kasey Edwards