'It's a now or never moment'

Data61's chief executive Adrian Turner reminded delegates that "pressure" in Australia from the big global platforms was ...

Data61, a federal government agency under CSIRO, is leading the charge to try to keep big Australian data sets out of the hands of big multinational firms Amazon and Google.

Doesn't the concern about reputation mean you get in there and fight for your reputation?" Commissioner Hayne asked.

ASIC fine costs Suncorp 0.001pc of premiums

The corporate regulator hit Suncorp with a $43,200 fine for promoting an insurance policy in an misleading way, instead of the $7.2 million the company was liable for, the Hayne royal commission has heard.

Supermarkets, banks trade lower

Australian shares are in the red following a dip during the morning session as losses by the supermarkets and banks wiped gains by the miners.

Australia most exposed to debt crisis

Australia's household debt to income has climbed rapidly ahead of other developed countries, leaving the country exposed to the next potential crisis, State Street warns.

The Australian dollar fell more than one US cent on Thursday after the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) showed ...

$A may jump 6pc in all-out trade war

The Australian dollar could rise as much as 6 per cent, which would shrink the economy by as much as 3.5 per cent in a worst case scenario of a global trade war, RBA research shows

Rio boss Jean-Sebastien Jacques has announced more buybacks.

Rio announces $US3.2b share buyback

Rio Tinto will keep the ball rolling on one of the most lucrative periods of shareholder returns in the mining sector's history, confirming a $US3.2 billion share buyback.


Battle for the working woman's vote

The battle for the working woman's vote is under way and the government has indicated it will support superannuation breaks promised by Labor and go further.

China won't buckle to Trump, warns Kevin Rudd.

China won't bow to US, Rudd warns

Kevin Rudd has issued a bleak warning: Beijing won't buckle to the Trump administration's trade demands, bolstering the prospect of a future military conflict.

Amazon is targeting dense urban areas with lots of young, busy, affluent residents willing to spend a little more than a ...

Amazon plans 3000 cashierless stores

AmazonGo's aggressive and costly expansion would threaten convenience chains like 7-Eleven and quick-service sandwich shops like Subway. Rivals' shares dropped on the news.

Jack Ma dumps US jobs promise

Jack Ma said his promise to create one million jobs in the US is impossible to fulfill because of the US-China trade war.

Personal Finance

Watch out for capital gains tax when transferring super from pension to accumulation.

How Labor's tax plan will hit your portfolio

Bill Shorten's proposal to restrict dividend imputation tax credits is attracting attention to this important entitlement, writes John Wasiliev, who finds answers for your superannuation questions.

EY denies rewriting Allianz reports

EY has denied it made any "material changes" to a risk report about Allianz destined for the prudential regulator after executives at the insurer repeatedly lobbied for changes.