The Age letters | The Age


Aged care: Surrounded by loving carers, friends, family

Aged care: Surrounded by loving carers, friends, family

Readers continue to discuss aged care, including their personal experiences.


Aged care: The system is broken, but no one is listening

Aged care: The system is broken, but no one is listening

Readers discuss aged care and the pending royal commission.

Aged care: Care and love must come before the profit factor

Aged care: Care and love must come before the profit factor

The government announcement of a royal commission into the aged-care industry is welcome.

Quotas and politics: White, male, law degree? Welcome, you're one of us

Quotas and politics: White, male, law degree? Welcome, you're one of us

Quotas versus merit. Which is the best and fairest way to do business in political parties?

Politics: Liberal moderates under threat from the young

Politics: Liberal moderates under threat from the young

The recent events in Canberra have given readers much upon which to comment, from gender, faith to merit.

Representation: When a few speak for the many, it can be dangerous

Representation: When a few speak for the many, it can be dangerous

The process by which people are nominated for Parliament needs fixing, say readers.

Our key workers: A high price to pay for their dedication to duty

Our key workers: A high price to pay for their dedication to duty

Readers discuss issues relating to our emergency workers, aged care staff and teachers.

Serena Williams: Centuries of prejudice and discrimination

Serena Williams: Centuries of prejudice and discrimination

Readers continue to discuss Serena Williams' behaviour - and the caricature of her by Herald Sun cartoonist, Mark Knight.

Sport: Different standards of what's 'good' behaviour

Sport: Different standards of what's 'good' behaviour

Readers discuss issues relating to sport, including Serena Williams' outburst and football.

SERENA WILLIAMS: Being subject to the same standards brings equality

SERENA WILLIAMS: Being subject to the same standards brings equality

The final of the women's tennis US Open has raised issues beyond the game.

Politics and prayer: Our culture, PM, allows us the right to choose

Politics and prayer: Our culture, PM, allows us the right to choose

The stance of Scott Morrison on religious freedom is provoking strong debate.