Confessions from a woman who employs au pairs – and isn't filthy rich

Confessions from a woman who employs au pairs – and isn't filthy rich

Having a child is a great many things but economically rewarding isn’t one of them, so having three children could reasonably be described as a form of economic insanity.

We knew as much when we mulled over having a third baby. My husband and I are both from families with three children and neither of us quite felt our own family was "done" with two kids. Nonetheless having another child was no small decision: we knew very well the physical, emotional and financial demands a new addition would bring.

We let our hearts prevail and in life terms it’s one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. The joy and love our third – another daughter – has brought us and her two sisters is a spectacle to behold.

Georgina Dent's two youngest daughters.

Georgina Dent's two youngest daughters.

Photo: Supplied

But there’s a less emotional reason that joy has been able to eclipse the undeniable pressure a fifth family member applies. When we chose to let our hearts prevail and try for another baby there was a caveat that was led by the head: we planned to enlist help in the form of an au pair.

Yes, you read that right. Readers, I am the “type” of woman who employs au pairs and while it’s always been above board (certainly no mercy calls to Mr Dutton) it’s not an admission I make readily. My hunch is that upon hearing this you will have immediately conjured an image of me reclining by the pool, counting my money, luxuriating in a grand residence in which there are staff to meet my every need.


While that might be true for some families who employ full-time help, it's far from reality for us and many other Australian families who use an arrangement like we do.

The truth is using an au pair doesn’t amount to an abrogation of parental duties and is actually a far more affordable childcare "solution" than the term suggests.

Roughly, an au pair here is paid between $200-$300 for about 30 hours of work a week in addition to having their board and food provided. Au pairs are entitled to receive the national minimum wage of $18.29 per hour, with an amount of $350 deducted for bed and board.

Georgina Dent found employing an au pair an affordable childcare option.

Georgina Dent found employing an au pair an affordable childcare option.

Photo: Supplied

Prior to having a third child we used a nanny one day a week, in addition to three days of childcare, at a cost upwards of $250 a day. If we both had work out of hours, which happens at least once a fortnight if not more, we’d hire a nanny to plug that gap meaning we’d often fork out in excess of $300 a week for babysitting.

For the same amount of money, with an au pair we would get the day of nannying, the occasional evening or early morning covered, as well another 15 hours across the week to help with pick-ups and drop-offs. This was particularly helpful because the arrival of our third child coincided with our eldest beginning kindergarten at which point the jigsaw puzzle of work and family became even tighter on account of school hours. Fitting paid work between 9am and 3pm isn’t readily achieved without some form of help whether it’s after-school care or a babysitter.

Having an au pair does require a spare bedroom which in itself is a luxury – particularly in capital cities – and we are lucky our rental home gives us this option. But compared to hiring a nanny to work 30 hours, which would cost $750 a week in Sydney, if you have a spare room then live-in help is eminently more affordable.


If it sounds terribly exploitative, it doesn’t only benefit families. One of the au pairs we were lucky enough to employ for six months was a Brazilian student who had come from a flat near Central station where she was living in a two-bedroom apartment with seven other students, each of whom were paying $175 rent a week, for three months. With us, she had own bedroom, no rent to pay, her food and toiletries and Wi-Fi covered and guaranteed income.

Some families, no doubt, exploit the arrangement but why you would is beyond me. It is an intimate relationship – they see your family life, warts and all, from up close – and it’s hard to imagine anyone benefiting from treating them badly, least of all your children who observe and absorb your every interaction. Our au pairs have all become surrogate members of our family who we’ll genuinely remember and cherish forever.

The truth is for two working parents of three children, without the backstop of having family in the same city, the flexibility and security of having another responsible adult to help out when one of the kids get sick, when work crops up or life intervenes in the way it inevitable does, is priceless.

For us, having an au pair makes the difference between enduring much of our family life and enjoying it and the fact it’s affordable is a godsend.

Georgina Dent is a journalist, editor and TV commentator with a keen focus on women's empowerment and gender equality.