Your gel manicure might last longer, but it has a gross secret

Your gel manicure might last longer, but it has a gross secret

A gel manicure might last longer, but at what cost?

A US study has found that fingernails painted with gel polish, favoured by beauticians for their long-lasting finish, retain more bacteria than other manicures.

Your gel manicure might last longer, but it has a gross secret.

Your gel manicure might last longer, but it has a gross secret.

Photo: Shutterstock

Researchers from the University of Nebraska divided a group of healthcare workers into three groups. One group received a gel manicure, one a manicure with normal nail polish, and one had their nails left unpainted.

Participants then had the bacterial cultures on the nails on their dominant hand evaluated over 14 days.

The small study, published in the American Journal of Infection Control, concluded that, although all nail types became relatively equally contaminated throughout the period, gel nails retained the most bacteria after thorough cleaning with an alcoholic hand sanitiser.


The study's authors hypothesised that the crevice created between the thick gel nail polish and the nail as the nail slowly grows may be the reason why this group had dirtier hands after a wash.


Dr Deborah Sambo, spokesperson for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, said there is a need to be "extra careful" when washing your hands while wearing fake or longer nails.

"Fake nails [and] polish in themselves do not result in dirtier hands," she said. "However, long nails whether fake or not do have the potential to harbour dirt/germs if they are not properly looked after or cleaned."

Although Dr Sambo said there is no "best" technique for handwashing, there is something of a minimum standard.

"The basic technique is a vigorous mechanical hand washing under running water, making sure to clean between the fingers and nails as well as the from and back of the hands starting from the wrist down," she said, adding that some groups – like those who work in medical fields, or with food or children – will have additional requirements.

As for the consequences of not washing your hands properly, Dr Sambo said the bacteria on your hands can result in everything from no malady at all to serious ailments like gastroenteritis and respiratory infection (the bacteria associated with which can also be spread to others through physical contact like a handshake).

"Good hand hygiene in a way is good public health prevention strategy both for the individual and the community at large."

Mary Ward is a Lifestyle reporter for The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times and WAtoday.