Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 20

Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 20


March 21- April 19

You're glad to be among people today, even if it means going to work. You're in the mood for company and conversation -- not to mention action and intrigue! You like it best when life is fast-paced and interesting, and today, you'll create your own excitement if you have to. But try not to 'create excitement' in a relationship by insisting on your freedom. There are better ways to achieve the same goal.

Illustration by Rocco Fazzari

Illustration by Rocco Fazzari



April 20-May 20


You're feeling restless today, itchy under the skin, and it isn't a comfortable feeling. Maybe you need a little more freedom than you feel you have at the moment. Maybe a close relationship is wearing on you -- or maybe you're wishing for more intimacy, but right now, the other person seems detached. Try to loosen up and have fun, Taurus. This strange mood is sure to pass soon.


May 21-June 21

You're feeling sociable today, so find a reason to celebrate. If you're at work, you may not get very much done, because you're more interested in chatting with anyone who crosses your path. On the other hand, you're even more intellectually attuned now than usual, so you work well with cerebral projects and puzzles that need solving. Gather a group and have fun working out a crossword or sudoku puzzle together.


June 22-July 22

You thrive on sharing a close, warm connection with the people you love, but that connection may feel slightly troubled today. Part of the problem is that whatever you're picking up on isn't obvious. It's just an undertone of something you can't identify. Maybe you're worried that your lover has cooled off a bit, or that your own passion is dimming. Try not to worry, though. If anything is going on, it's just a passing phase.


July 23-August 22

Everyone you encounter today seems a little strange -- more aloof than you'd like -- and that puts you in an odd mood. The truth is, you might be coming across as more aloof than you realise, and other people are holding back when they're around you in response to your cool mood. But warmth is your thing, Leo! Loosen up, reach out and make the positive, affectionate connection you crave. You can do this.


August 23-September 22

If you're at work today, you've probably got some catching up to do. Working with other people is a great way to go now, because brainstorming together leads you to some truly imaginative ideas, ones you couldn't have dreamed up on your own. Just make sure you're open to others' thoughts, even the ones that seem a little bit out there. This is a good day for testing unorthodox methods.


September 23-October 22

At work today, you won't get a lot done if you have to work on your own. You're more responsive to meetings and group efforts, where you can discuss interesting ideas and brainstorm as a team. You're also perfectly fine with hanging out in the break room and chatting with whoever happens to drop by! And that's okay. Sometimes, the best, most creative and unique ideas strike when you're just riffing with someone inspiring.


October 23 – November 22

If you feel tense and edgy today, don't take it out on the people around you. Everybody else is just going about their business, and being quite friendly about it. But a deep, primal urge for freedom is welling up within you, demanding satisfaction. This is no one's issue but your own, so be kind to your friends and loved ones, even as you seek the independence you crave.


November 23-December 20

It's a good day for talking with other people about stimulating ideas and plans. You've always been a forward-thinker, and today you're especially progressive. You want to make the world better in some way, and you know that the key to doing that is getting a group of people together who can work as a team. Start that now, Sagittarius. People are listening to you as a voice of truth.


December 21-January 19

You'll keep yourself busy no matter where you are. Problems and puzzles present interesting intellectual challenges, and it's fun for you to work out the kinks. Just make sure you're thinking creatively instead of getting stuck in old, tired thought patterns. One way to ensure this is to brainstorm with other people. Give up any sense of control over your project and derive inspiration from the group.


January 20-February 18

The Moon enters your own sign today. This is a positive and lucky influence, so be sure to take advantage of it! You're infused with creative energy now. This is your chance to set something truly inspired in motion, so grab a friend or colleague to help you brainstorm a new project. Use only the most daring ideas. Either they'll work perfectly, or they'll lead you to something even better.


February 19-March 20

You're always attuned to others' needs and problems, and today you're extra concerned with the welfare of others. It's a good day for calling a friend who needs your support, volunteering your time at a local charity, or finding some other way to donate your care and service to someone in need. If you offer anyone advice, make it innovative, or hook up with an organisation that's working toward progressive change.