Environment | Weather, Climate Change & Conservation News | The Age


Shocking video shows man running down emus

Shocking video shows man running down emus

A man filmed himself hitting several emus with a vehicle and laughing about it afterwards. Warning: Disturbing content.


Go with the flow: desalination plant study finds 'amazing' ocean impact

Go with the flow: desalination plant study finds 'amazing' ocean impact

The Sydney desalination plant's biggest effect on the ocean is unlikely to be from the release of highly saline brine, according to the first peer-reviewed study into the industry's marine impacts.

  • by Peter Hannam
Questions over taxpayer money used to kill starfish

Questions over taxpayer money used to kill starfish

A $40 million grant has been given to fight the crown of thorns starfish, but there are questions over the way funding has been distributed in the past.

'Volcano' jellyfish washes up on New Zealand beach
New Zealand

'Volcano' jellyfish washes up on New Zealand beach

Eve and Adam Dickinson and their two children found the "incredible" lion's mane jellyfish while they were walking on Pakiri Beach, in north Auckland, on Monday.

  • by Melanie Earley
Jack Ryan makes way for jackhammers in new library
Ethical living

Jack Ryan makes way for jackhammers in new library

The library service will allow people to rent out power and hand tools, camping gear and sporting equipment to promote sustainability in the Brisbane community.

  • by Jocelyn Garcia
Temperatures to jump, smoke may linger over Sydney for second day
Extreme weather

Temperatures to jump, smoke may linger over Sydney for second day

Sydney, the Hunter and the Illawarra will again face very high fire dangers on Wednesday as the mercury nears 30 degrees and humidity levels dive.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Absolute disgrace': Adani pipeline plan won't activate water trigger

'Absolute disgrace': Adani pipeline plan won't activate water trigger

Adani's proposed giant coal mine has cleared another hurdle with the federal government waiving the requirement for a full environmental assessment for a pipeline that will extract billions of litres of water in drought-ravaged central Queensland.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Prepare to get your legs broken': MP threatened over fishing ban

'Prepare to get your legs broken': MP threatened over fishing ban

MP targeted with online abuse and even death threats for supporting plan to introduce lockout zones to protect fish.

  • by Nick O'Malley
'Not the details requested': EPA, RFS, others rebuke Santos over CSG

'Not the details requested': EPA, RFS, others rebuke Santos over CSG

Government agencies have reiterated demands for more information from Santos about its plan to develop a $3 billion coal seam gas project in northern NSW, saying the company had failed to respond to their concerns.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Tsunami' of new wind and solar projects drives renewables output to a record

'Tsunami' of new wind and solar projects drives renewables output to a record

Renewable energy supplied more than a quarter of the National Electricity Market last month amid windy weather and new projects under way, according to The Australia Institute.

  • by Peter Hannam
'The daughters lost everything': Why more Australians need to be prepared for disaster season

'The daughters lost everything': Why more Australians need to be prepared for disaster season

First responders say the difference between those who say "I wish I had" and those who say "I'm glad I did" can be devastating.

  • by Cassandra Morgan