Kenyan marathoner defies logic to push limits of human physiology

Kenyan marathoner defies logic to push limits of human physiology

When Usain Bolt retired last year, the great anxiety for athletics was the lack of likely successors who could inspire a sense of wonder.

On the track, this remains a nagging concern, but on the road, Eliud Kipchoge is more than fulfilling his billing as the Neil Armstrong of his sport, striding into territory where no man has gone before.

Landmark: Eliud Kipchoge celebrates during the medal ceremony for the Berlin Marathon.

Landmark: Eliud Kipchoge celebrates during the medal ceremony for the Berlin Marathon.

Photo: AP

The lissom Kenyan's feat on the streets of Berlin on Sunday, obliterating the men's marathon world record by 78 seconds, was the sporting achievement of this or any other year.

In terms of scale, Kipchoge's time of two hours, one minute, 39 seconds was comparable to Bolt's dash in the same city nine years earlier, when the sprint legend lowered his own 100 metres record from 9.69 to 9.58 seconds, or Bob Beamon's long jump of 8.9 metres in 1968.

Usually, incursions on a world record are made by increasingly slender margins, as the limits of human physiology are approached. But Kipchoge tipped such logic on its head to make Dennis Kimetto's previous benchmark of 2:02.57 look positively pedestrian.


One hesitates to say it is a record that will stand for decades, if only because Kipchoge looks capable, at 33, of setting whatever time he chooses. The dream of a sub-two-hour marathon, once deemed a biological impossibility, appears once again within his grasp.

Kipchoge, as befitting such an elegant athlete, did it the hard way, registering the fabled "negative splits", running the first half of his marathon in 61.06 and the second in a barely believable 60.33, without any pacemakers for help.

At one point, he missed his water bottle stop but somehow only increased his cadence, gliding through the final 15 kilometres in a mere 43 minutes.

For a way to consider just how fast he was going, consider this: the fastest official parkrun time for five kilometres anywhere in Britain this weekend was 14.52. Kipchoge's average five-kilometre pace throughout a 42-kilometre race stood at 14.24.

It was a pity, all told, that athletics did not take the opportunity to broadcast such a giddying moment to a wider audience.

As Kipchoge laid waste to the record book, there was not a single terrestrial or cable outlet broadcasting it, with any viewers forced instead to follow a shaky Kenyan feed online.

Kipchoge's effort is comparable with sprinter Usain Bolt, who is now trying to make it as a footballer.

Kipchoge's effort is comparable with sprinter Usain Bolt, who is now trying to make it as a footballer.

Photo: AAP

There were, understandably, raised eyebrows that he could carve so much out of Kimetto's time.

For what it is worth, Kipchoge has always been outspoken against the doping cases that have stalked his homeland.

This was one day, perhaps, when the awe deserved to outweigh the suspicion.

The Telegraph, London