Madonna King | The Age

Madonna King is a leading journalist and commentator. She was an award-winning mornings presenter on 612 ABC Brisbane and is a five-times author.

Commercial terrorists have brought an industry to its knees

Commercial terrorists have brought an industry to its knees

The sabotage of our strawberry industry is as flummoxing as it is despicable. It shows a level of recklessness in the community that we haven’t seen before.

  • by Madonna King


Wagners verdict shows the likes of Alan Jones can be called out

Wagners verdict shows the likes of Alan Jones can be called out

The defamation verdict shows that sometimes you can take on the loud person in the centre of the room and silence them.

  • by Madonna King
What our children can learn from some ambos' simple act of kindness

What our children can learn from some ambos' simple act of kindness

It’s a simple photograph of a man, in the back of an ambulance, enjoying a caramel sundae. But the story behind it says so much.

  • by Madonna King
'I really feel I mucked it up': When dads and daughters disconnect

'I really feel I mucked it up': When dads and daughters disconnect

The father-daughter bond has long been recognised as special. That is, until she hits puberty – at which point it often fractures.

  • by Madonna King
Dumping of Turnbull shows why 16-year-olds should be able to vote

Dumping of Turnbull shows why 16-year-olds should be able to vote

Intellect? Too easily swayed to join another camp? Last week’s shenanigans should have put that argument to rest.

  • by Madonna King
Peter Dutton does what Malcolm Turnbull doesn't

Peter Dutton does what Malcolm Turnbull doesn't

He’s black and white. Yes or no. It’s either this or it’s that.

  • by Madonna King
Fraser Anning is a symptom of the sickness overrunning Australian politics

Fraser Anning is a symptom of the sickness overrunning Australian politics

Fraser Anning, who won his seat in the federal Senate on the back of 19 votes, represents no one I know. But his racist, bigoted and hateful comments say as much about our political process as they do about him.

  • by Madonna King
'Never been as bad as this': The Queensland kids who have never seen rain

'Never been as bad as this': The Queensland kids who have never seen rain

A child born in 2011 in some western parts of Queensland is now in year 2 – and they have never seen rain. They’ve never witnessed the skies darken, and the heavens open.

  • by Madonna King
Dropping of Lady Cilento name is nothing more than bad politics

Dropping of Lady Cilento name is nothing more than bad politics

The Queensland Government’s plan to dump poor old Lady Cilento from the hospital that bears her name is a folly, and you shouldn’t fall for it.

  • by Madonna King
The perception of Bill Shorten that won't go away

The perception of Bill Shorten that won't go away

What does Bill Shorten have to do to be liked? Is it his short hair that has voters shunning him in droves? Or his socks? His voice?

  • by Madonna King
Five ingredients for recreating Brisbane State High School

Five ingredients for recreating Brisbane State High School

Parents have come up with ingenious ways to enrol their child at the popular school. Maybe the government needs to come up with some ingenuity too.

  • by Madonna King