Time for clear thinking on party pills

Time for clear thinking on party pills

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian is right to take seriously the tragic deaths of a 21-year-old woman and a 23-year-old man after taking apparently tainted  recreational drugs at the Defqon.1 music festival in Penrith over the weekend. But the looming election campaign will make it hard to formulate a balanced policy.

Ms Berejiklian on Tuesday announced a panel, staffed by senior public servants, will look at solutions from tougher sentencing and creating new drug-related offences to better anti-drug education to tighter controls on festival operators. The only option she specifically excluded, however, was offering a pill testing service to participants at festivals to check that the drugs they take are safe.

It is positive that Ms Berejiklian is taking time to consider options. In the wake of the tragedy her immediate response was to promise to ban the Defqon.1 festival.  That was understandable considering two other drug-related deaths have occurred at the same festival in the past five years.

Zero tolerance: NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian.

Zero tolerance: NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian.

Photo: AAP

Yet summarily banning one festival operator was an illogical knee-jerk reaction. Although police made 70 drug-related arrests at the festival it is not clear that Defqon.1 is to blame. Similar incidents have occurred at many other festivals in Australia and around the world.  Banning a single festival operator without any evidence of negligence could be tricky legally and, anyway, it would just encourage other operators to fill the space.

The Herald looks forward to hearing the panel's views but since the report will be complete in October, five months before the election, there is a danger the parties will be caught up in a politicised battle over who can be tougher on crime.


Ms Berejiklian has promised "zero tolerance" to illegal drugs and by appointing Police Commissioner Mick Fuller to the panel she seems to be backing a solution based on more policing.

The Herald argues that the debate should be led by evidence rather than simple ideology.  Tougher sentences for drug crime might sound like a solution but their deterrent value is questionable and their costs in terms of criminalising and imprisoning casual drug users are high.

Police already employ sniffer dogs and strip searches at festivals to catch illegal drug users and suppliers. Yet, by their nature, chemicals are hard to detect. Ms Berejiklian spoke of more educational campaigns but schools are already running plenty of them.

The simple fact is that despite more than half a century of tough policing and education campaigns, young people are still taking recreational drugs.

In this context it is strange that Ms Berejiklian would not even want to hear about the issues around pill testing. The fear seems to be that even considering pill testing might encourage recreational drug users but this is nonsense.


NSW has a tradition  of taking a more nuanced approach in its approach to drug crime which sometimes includes harm minimisation rather than just prohibition. If people cannot be stopped from taking drugs, they are encouraged to do it in a safe way. NSW led the way in creating legal free injection rooms in Kings Cross and is moving towards legalising cannabis for certain compassionate medicinal uses.

In a similar vein, it is worth looking at the growing body of evidence about pill testing programs, especially in Europe. In the ACT a trial showed some potential benefits in terms of harm reduction and little evidence of making things worse. Ms Berejiklian should ask the panel to look at the evidence and consider whether trials of pill testing would make sense.