'Cascade crap to others': how Allianz staff approached compliance

'Cascade crap to others': how Allianz staff approached compliance

Allianz employees viewed compliance training as "having to 'cascade crap to others'", and compliance breaches at the insurer were handled in a "bandaid" fashion, according to an internal Allianz workshop document, revealed at the Hayne royal commission.

It was also revealed that, in July, Allianz's chief risk officer Lori Callahan demanded professional services firm Deloitte retract another report highly critical of the company's compliance operations, while an "independent" report by EY in 2017 was revised to be more favourable to Allianz after company representatives pushed the consultants.

Ms Callahan was on Tuesday questioned by senior counsel assisting the commission, Rowena Orr QC, over the documents.

Ms Callahan said she disagreed with some of the criticisms from the workshop and the Deloitte report, because they did not reflect the work the company had already done to improve its compliance. This was why she asked for the report to be retracted, she said, later admitting it was "not her finest moment".

The commission also heard that the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) asked Allianz to look at its governance standards earlier this year in the wake of a critical report into governance and culture at Commonwealth Bank.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne grilled Ms Callahan on whether the matters flagged in the retracted Deloitte report related to the same issues APRA had asked Allianz to examine following the CBA report - "questions of governance, culture and accountability". She agreed it did.


"Yet you asked for that report to be withdrawn?" the commissioner asked.

"I did," she replied, adding that it was withdrawn and that the whole process would now form part of the reply to APRA.

Senior counsel assisting Rowena Orr QC tabled a letter to ASIC that revealed there had been another seven compliance incidents relating to online content.

Senior counsel assisting Rowena Orr QC tabled a letter to ASIC that revealed there had been another seven compliance incidents relating to online content.

Photo: Supplied


Earlier, the commisson heard how Allianz's processes for ensuring its website content complied with the law were "deficient" and it was still working on a review of years of previous website incidents.

As well as containing misleading information about travel insurance, as revealed on Monday, the insurer's website included incorrect links to product disclosure statements, or no such documents at all, because of failings in its internal processes.


The travel insurance errors, some from as far back as 2012, were mostly detected in late 2015, but the company failed to report the matter to the watchdog until this year.

Ms Orr took Ms Callahan to a string of internal reports that illustrated the flaws in its compliance systems that led to the misleading information being published.

Ms Orr also tabled a letter to ASIC that revealed there had been another seven compliance incidents relating to online content. These included misleading statements from 2011 on the website of Auto Club, 1 Cover Travel Insurance and Petplan pet insurance.

A separate internal report also showed there had been problems with customers being sent to the wrong product disclosure statement when buying insurance online, because of incorrect hyperlinks on its website. This error meant customers might have been misinformed about what they were buying, it said. This breach was reported to ASIC.

Ms Callahan said these compliance incidents were part of a increase in its reporting to ASIC this year. It had reported seven matters to the watchdog so far in 2018, she said, compared with the average of about one incident a year in prior years.

Later, Ms Orr tabled a 2016 internal report to the Allianz risk committee, which said the misleading information on its website had been dealt with, even though the errors on the travel insurance pages had not been fixed.

The report said: “All material errors on the website have been corrected.”

"Was that correct?" Ms Orr asked.

"With regard to travel, no," Ms Callahan replied.

Ms Callahan, who has been the chief risk officer for about a year, accepted Allianz had not provided enough resources to its risk and compliance functions before her appointment.

Generous rewards

The commissions and other rewards paid to car dealers by insurance giant IAG's offshoot, Swann Insurance, were also examined on Tuesday.

Counsel assisting Mark Costello questione IAG's executive general manager business distribution, Ben Bessell about a promise Swann made to dealers of an annual "marketing subsidy" of $150,000 in 2014. Dealership staff were also rewarded with points that could be used to buy goods.

One document showed that "tyre and rim" insurance - which Mr Bessell admitted was the hardest policy to sell - would attract a commission of 50 per cent, while other products attracted commissions ranging from 20 per cent to 30 per cent.

Mr Bessell admitted that the "number and complexity" of the products on offer made understanding each product difficult, and that, in Mr Costello's words, the add-on insurance was "sold to, rather than bought by, consumers".

Mr Bessell will return to the stand on Wednesday.

Clancy Yeates writes on business specialising in financial services. Clancy is based in our Sydney newsroom.

Ruth Williams investigates corporate governance, crime, financial regulation and whistleblowers.

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