How to monetize in Media Studio

How to enable monetization in Media Studio

To learn more about our video ad solutions, reach out to your Twitter account manager.

  1. Click on the Monetization button within the top navigation bar.
  2. Click on Account Info within the dropdown that appears.
  3. Fill in all of the required fields across the three tabs:
    1. Address
    2. Payment Method
    3. Tax Forms
  4. Click on the Done tab to complete the setup.

How to monetize videos

To learn more about our video ad solutions, reach out to your Twitter account manager.

  1. Click on a video within your Media Studio library.
  2. Click on the Settings tab.
  3. Click the Monetize this video button.
  4. Select the relevant content categories in the Tag your content section (select up to 2 categories per video).
  5. If you do not want certain categories of advertising to appear in front of your video, you can select as many relevant categories in the Exclude Tags section (no limit the number of categories that can be selected per video).
    1. Tip: Avoid selecting too many tags; this can restrict the advertising that could be matched to your video.
  6. If you do not want certain advertisers associated with your video, you can manually enter these usernames.


How to set default monetization settings

To learn more about our video ad solutions, reach out to your Twitter account manager.

  1. Click on the Monetization button within the top navigation bar.
  2. Click on Settings within the dropdown that appears.
  3. Enable the Monetize all new videos with In-Stream Video Ads if you would like all newly-uploaded videos monetized automatically.
  4. Select the relevant content categories in the Tag your content section (select up to 2 categories per video).
  5. If you do not want certain categories of advertising to appear in front of your video, you can select as many relevant categories in the Exclude Tags section (no limit the number of categories that can be selected per video).
    1. Tip: Avoid selecting too many tags; this can restrict the advertising that could be matched to your video.
  6. If you do not want certain advertisers associated with your video, you can manually enter these usernames.
  7. Click Save. All new media set to monetize will have these associated settings.

How to view estimated earnings per video

To learn more about our video ad solutions, reach out to your Twitter account manager.

  1. Click on a video within your Media Studio library.
  2. Click the More Analytics button.
  3. Select a date range using the filter at the top right (which defaults to a 7 day view).
  4. Scroll down to the Estimated Earnings section to see the amount earned during that particular date range.

How to view publisher payout information (total earnings)

To learn more about our video ad solutions, reach out to your Twitter account manager.

  1. Click on the Monetization button within the top navigation bar.
  2. Click on Earnings within the dropdown that appears.
  3. All payout information should be listed, and is available for export.

Monetization FAQ

Can I monetize my videos?

Yes. To learn more about our video ad solutions, reach out to your Twitter account manager.

Do I have to opt-in every video?

No, it is the publisher’s choice as to what videos are opted into the program. This selection can be made on a video-by-video basis, or set as defaults in the account Settings page, found by clicking the Monetization button within the top navigation bar. 

Can I specify brands or categories that should not be paired with my videos?

Yes, publishers have the ability to specify both individual account names and categories. Advertisers also have the same ability within their own dashboard.

How many content categories should I select to describe my video?

Publishers should be specific and tag their content based on the categories that best describe the video. We allow a maximum of 2 categories. Advertisers participating in this program are targeting content categories, and over-selecting and/or misidentifying content can lead to issues pairing ads with videos.

How will I know my earnings information ahead of the payment window?

The publisher’s “estimated earnings” are shown in the analytics tab. They are displayed on a 2 day delay. All figures are estimates, and there can be deltas between the estimates and the final payment amounts. Please see the partner terms for additional details.

How and when do I get paid?

Twitter will pay publishers 60 days after the last day of the calendar month in which the earnings occur. For example, June earnings will be paid at the end of August. Payments are sent automatically and an email notification is sent to the contact name in the payment details.

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