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  1. retweetelte

    Children were tear-gassed in Ferguson. Baltimore too. A young woman had her arm nearly blown off by a concussion grenade at Standing Rock. Children were bombed at a church in Alabama in the 1960s. They were also hosed down by hoses w/ enough power to strip bark off trees.

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  2. retweetelte
    nov. 25.

    Border Patrol fired off shots at a group trying to go through the fence. We ran and hid under train. They sent in CS gas. Babies are scared and crying.

  3. retweetelte
    24 órával ezelőtt

    It's been days and I still can't get over how a judge set a *$1 million* bond on a woman in Georgia who had cotton candy that was alleged to have been meth and sat in jail for three months before a test finally revealed that the cotton candy was not meth.

  4. retweetelte
    nov. 26.

    Important to remember that every one of those Border Patrol agents could have chosen NOT to pick up their weapons and fire at children. Leaders only have the power that their followers give them, for good or for evil.

  5. retweetelte
    nov. 26.

    Our government tear-gassed unarmed families today. The top 10 trends right now are football games. This is fine.

  6. retweetelte
    nov. 25.

    Tijuana (left), Gaza (right) I bet the tear gas canisters come from the same place.

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  7. retweetelte
    nov. 25.

    A migrant family, part of a caravan of thousands traveling from Central America to the U.S., run from tear gas in front of the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico at Tijuana on Sunday -

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  8. retweetelte
    nov. 25.

    According to a Pew survey, the U.S. is the most religious wealthy country in the world

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  9. retweetelte
    nov. 25.

    US Border Patrol has just launched tear gas into Mexico. Breeze carrying it hundreds of yards. Parents running away with choking toddlers.

  10. retweetelte
    nov. 23.

    BREAKING: All 49 Senate Democrats are now opposed to the Thomas Farr nomination. With Senator Flake opposed, we need one more Republican to defeat this nominee. RT to urge Republicans to vote NO to defeat this anti-voting rights nominee.

  11. retweetelte
    nov. 23.

    When will it be enough...when will we prioritize children in this country over the interests of those who fill politicians’ coffers??? Girl, 13, who wrote an essay about gun violence is killed by stray bullet

  12. retweetelte
    nov. 21.

    How can anyone look at these starving children in Yemen and continue to supply the Saudis with bombs?

  13. retweetelte
    nov. 20.

    This racist white man was harassing 4 black Muslim girls inside a McDonald’s in Minnesota and when the girls confronted the man, he pulled out a gun on them. Kids: He just pulled a gun on us... Manager: I understand that...I don't give a F*CK THIS IS INSANE RETWEET THIS!!

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  14. retweetelte
    nov. 20.

    Your 👏🏾 whiteness 👏🏾 will 👏🏾 not 👏🏾 save 👏🏾 you 👏🏾 from 👏🏾 what 👏🏾 patriarchy 👏🏾 has 👏🏾 for 👏🏾 you 👏🏾

  15. retweetelte
    nov. 18.

    In 2014 an Ohio judge punched his then-wife 20 times and slammed her head against the dashboard of his car five times, breaking her orbital bone in front of their children. He served only 9 months and was subsequently hired by the Mayor of Cleveland. Yesterday he killed her.

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  16. retweetelte
    nov. 17.

    In court this morning, I asked the judge if my client could wait outside. She was being fussy. He said yes, and she was carried out. Even then, I could hear her whimpers and cries. She’s two years old. She had on a pink coat. Today was her hearing.

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  17. retweetelte
    nov. 14.

    Immigrants in California are working in the fields during the

    Ez a média esetlegesen érzékeny tartalmú lehet. Tudj meg többet
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  18. retweetelte
    nov. 14.

    22. Pelosi: We welcome the presence of these activists, and we strongly urge the Capitol Police to allow them to continue to organize and participate in our democracy.

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  19. retweetelte
    nov. 14.

    20. AOC: This is about uplifting the voice and the message of the fact that we need a Green New Deal and we need to get to 100 percent renewables because our lives depend on it. … ***We are here to back [Pelosi] up.***

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  20. retweetelte
    nov. 14.

    19. Later, to the news media: AOC: One of the things I admire so much about Leader Pelosi is that she comes from a space of activism and organizing. And so I think that she really appreciates civic engagement. What I’m here to do is to support the folks who are here. …

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