Spooky Gay


Just your average nerdy queer feminist with unbridled passion for McElroy content, novels, D&D and geeky TV. She/her.

Придружио/ла се март 2017.
Датум рођења: 08. април


Блокирао/ла си корисника @Emma_bean126

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  1. је ретвитовао/ла
    7. нов
  2. је ретвитовао/ла
    28. сеп

    not sure who to credit for this image, but going to leave it here

  3. 28. сеп

    I was 14 and drunk in the backseat of a 21 year old strangers car. When we parked he came into the back seat and sexually assaulted me. I felt dirty, ashamed, and at fault. He was the one who bought the alcohol. I never even told my parents, I was afraid.

  4. 11. сеп

    Sometimes I imagine my 2 year old’s answers to hypothetical questions he might get asked in the future. “So George, what was it like growing up with a lesbian mom?” My son: “It was just a lot of plaid. Unfathomable amounts of plaid.”

  5. 29. јун


  6. 29. јун

    Okay, so I was late getting around to it and just now listened to this week's episode of . Smirl sisters, thank you so so much, from the bottom of my queer heart, for this episode.

  7. је ретвитовао/ла
    26. јун

    Gnight. *DIVES into your subconscious like Neo in the Matrix, f*ckin evaporates any anxiety, stress, or Heffalumpian imagery that isn’t fun or sexy or both* Okay. The way's clear. Have good dreams.

  8. 24. јун

    Every time Cate Blanchett had a costume change I became 10% gayer.

  9. 24. јун

    I am going to see Ocean's 8 by myself tonight. I have no one to go with and I don't even care because I am feeling so gay and I want to see Cate Blanchett in a suit, dammit.

  10. 23. јун

    I'm having one of the hardest weeks of my life but, as usual, listening to and is getting me through. Another thing that is getting me through: 's Twitter header picture of our good TAZ boys. Thank you for making me feel positive, McElfamily.

  11. је ретвитовао/ла
    12. јун

    “So, we did meet with Dreamworks.” Chapter 5 is here. Thanks for retweeting, reviewing and subscribing!

    Прикажи овај низ
  12. је ретвитовао/ла
    11. јун

    In Episode 410 of , we share our reactions to Game Man, Nintendo’s big, buff, needlessly aggressive new gaming console for discerning adults. (RT, True Gamers)

  13. је ретвитовао/ла
    6. јун

    The film “Hearts Beat Loud” is a light, fun rom-com about two young queer women of color (played by two young queer women of color):

  14. је ретвитовао/ла
    5. јун

    The image of Caleb carrying Adam piggyback and Adam sitting on Caleb’s shoulders at just popped into my head and...oh my heart, guys.

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  15. 4. јун

    -class, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. Dying from anaphylactic shock is something that, in this day and age, should be preventable, and because of this people take allergies lightly. They should not. I lost someone I loved deeply. Please take allergies seriously.

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  16. 4. јун

    -family above all else. I have no doubt if she had lived she would have accomplished incredible things in this world. Please, please take allergies seriously. Always make sure your epi-pens aren't expired, and if you are told there is a kid with nut allergies in your own child's-

    Прикажи овај низ
  17. 4. јун

    3 years ago today my little auntie passed away. I call her that because, although she was my aunt, she was 7 years younger than me. She died at 17 from an anaphylactic reaction. She was incredibly kind, driven, smart, the truest kind of person. She loved animals, nature, and -

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  18. је ретвитовао/ла
    4. јун

    Announcement! 2 of our 4 hosts are going to be travelling around Europe for the next 5 WEEKS! We had hoped to get some shows lined up for during their absence, but....did not. So consider this a hiatus but fear not-we will be back!

  19. 1. јун

    Unbelievable. The McElroy fandom is slowly and subtly taking over the world.

  20. је ретвитовао/ла
    31. мај

    Here’s Episode 9 of Amnesty, in which the Pine Guard goes on an otherworldly field trip! (RT, friends!)


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