Cynthia NixonVerified account


Lifelong New Yorker, actor, and progressive advocate running for governor to fight for a better, fairer New York. Vote on Thursday, September 13.

New York, NY
Joined December 2017


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Sep 14

    To all the young people. To all the young women. To all the young queer people who reject the gender binary. Soon you’ll be running for office yourselves, and when it’s your turn, you’ll win.

  2. Sep 13

    Thank you all for believing and fighting and leaving it all on the field. We started something here in New York, and it doesn’t end today. This is just the beginning. And I know that together, we will win this fight.

  3. Sep 13

    We can make all of these things a reality -- but only if we keep fighting for a New York that belongs to all of us, not just to the wealthy few.

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  4. Sep 13

    We can protect families from deportation, make rent more affordable, and commit to 100% renewable energy.

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  5. Sep 13

    We have to confront the reality of systemic racism -- not only in our justice system, but in our schools, in our housing, in healthcare, and in economic opportunity.

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  6. Sep 13

    We can abolish cash bail. We can dismantle mass incarceration. We can demand police accountability. We can invest in schools, not jails. And when we say black lives matter, we need to mean it. For Kalief Browder. And for all the Kaliefs whose names we do not know.

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  7. Sep 13

    We can legalize marijuana, and finally stop putting people of color in jail for something that white people do with impunity.

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  8. Sep 13

    We know that we can fix our broken subway -- and frankly, we don’t have a choice. If the subway dies, so does the City of New York, and we won’t let that happen.

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  9. Sep 13

    We know that New York can become the first state in the country to enact single-payer health care.

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  10. Sep 13

    As long as we have one education system that sends wealthy children to college, and another that sends the poor and children of color to prison, we will keep fighting.

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  11. Sep 13

    This is not a time to settle for the way things are, or sit back and hope for things to change. This is a time to fight. As long as New York remains the single most unequal state in the country, we will keep fighting.

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  12. Sep 13

    You are on the right side of history, and every day, your country is moving in your direction. But we can’t afford to wait.

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  13. Sep 13

    To all the young people. To all the young women. To all the young queer people who reject the gender binary. Soon you’ll be standing here, and when it’s your turn, you’ll win.

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  14. Sep 13

    I see the future of the Democratic Party in this room tonight. The future of the Democratic Party is young, it is diverse, it is progressive; and yes, the future is female.

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  15. Sep 13

    The generation coming of age in Obama and Trump’s America is one of the most progressive generations in history. You are going to change America -- and for the first time in our history create a nation that finally belongs to all of us.

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  16. Sep 13

    Our numbers show that the younger you are, the more likely it is that you voted for me today. I’m particularly proud of that fact, and it gives me so much hope for the future of our party and our country.

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  17. Sep 13

    This is an incredible moment for progressives, but it’s not just a moment -- it’s a movement, and this movement is only growing stronger.

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  18. Sep 13

    That’s why I’m so inspired by the new generation of Democratic leaders running for office this year with a bold, progressive vision of what is possible – candidates like Ayanna Pressley, Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum, Ben Jealous, and our own Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

  19. Sep 13

    If Democrats are going to win in November, we have to stand for something. It’s not enough to just be better than . We have to give people something to show up and vote FOR.

  20. Sep 13

    Before we can take our country back, we have to take our party back. I’m fed up with a Democratic establishment that warns candidates not to run on single-payer health care; that tells us to stop talking about abolishing ICE because it doesn’t poll well.


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