David E. TalbertVerifizierter Account


Lyn's husband. Elias' dad. And a few other cool titles. Don't wait...CREATE!

Los Angeles
Beigetreten Oktober 2009


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  2. 4. Mai
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  3. 30. Apr.
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  4. 30. Apr.

    Only thing better than pulling up to the studio to my own parking space is knowing my wife has one right beside me!

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  5. hat retweetet
    29. Apr.

    Not only did John make movies for us and our culture, he made one of the most iconic videos ever! It showed the world what Egyptians really looked like! Again I say, THANK YOU! May God bless the soul of John Singleton.

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  6. hat retweetet
    29. Apr.

    I was discovered by a master filmmaker by the name of John Singleton. He not only made me a movie star but made me a filmmaker. There are no words to express how sad I am to lose my brother, friend & mentor. He loved bring the black experience to the world. ..Us at Cannes ‘90

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  7. 29. Apr.

    Rest in Paradise to the legend. The icon. John Singleton. A heavy heart today as not only was John an amazing filmmaker and trailblazing Director, but his film Boyz In The Hood inspired me…

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  8. 25. Apr.
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  9. 21. Apr.
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  10. 21. Apr.
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  11. 20. Apr.
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  12. 19. Apr.

    So much love for A brilliant Actor. A genuine and thoughtful human. A kind soul.

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  13. 19. Apr.

    As a kid growing up in Maryland, our biggest adventure was riding in the church bus with my great grandmother to the outlets in Pennsylvania. Today I’m in Europe, watching my own kid dance…

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  14. 19. Apr.

    Awwww. I love you. Having the time of my life! Miss you!

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  15. 18. Apr.

    22 years ago I started writing a story where the first words I typed were “Fade in: A cozy cobblestone town somewhere in England.” Today, I’m standing in a cozy cobblestone town somewhere…

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  16. 17. Apr.

    Filming begins in 5 weeks and I couldn’t be more excited. On the creative ride of my life!

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  17. 16. Apr.
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  18. 14. Apr.

    ROAR!!! Freaking Tiger Woods!!

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  19. 12. Apr.

    Introducing this amazing young lady to the world! Madelen Mills will be starring in Jingle Jangle!!

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  20. 12. Apr.

    So freaking excited to finally be working with this AMAZING Actress/singer and fellow HBCU alum! Gonna be epic!

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