Canadian Bear  


Just your average Canadian cub. Out and Proud Trekkie and nerd out to fill the work with something other then hate and negativity

Calgary, Alberta
加入于 2016年2月


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  1. It's Tribe Talk Monday! In this week's blog post we sit down with creator and host of the @mrsfeministpodcast , to talk about Toxic Masculinity.

  2. 11月24日
  3. It's Saturday! Which means it's time for another episode of the Pride Tribe podcast. This week, the sit down to talk about Toxic Masculinity and how it affects us all. Do listen, comment and subscribe!

  4. 11月22日
  5. It's Wednesday! Time for another ! This week, and I give a pre-game rundown of the holiday shinannigans to come. So like, comment and subscribe!

  6. It's Tribe Talk Tuesday! In this week's special blog article we talk about Transgender Day of Remeberance, what it is and why it is an important day to observe.

  7. 撤销
  8. 11月20日

    Dear people: For , please remember: You deserve love. You deserve respect. You deserve protection. You deserve to live authentically. There are many of us who strongly support you. And we stand with you side by side!

    和另外 7 人
  9. There is nothing cuter than when her tongue is hanging out like this.

  10. I meant to post this yesterday because it was so damn cute! I go into wake up yesterday and this is what I walked into, Uhura was sound asleep, snuggled into her daddy.

  11. It's Saturday! Which means it's time for another episode of the Pride Tribe podcast. This week, and I sit down with our friend to talk about and life in the Trans Community and how we can be better allies.

  12. 11月14日

    I'm going on this SUPER important and pressing topic for this week's ... How do we feel about men wearing cosmetics? Let's talk about it! !

  13. Today we said goodbye to our precious baby girl. You gave us all the snuggles and head butts. You were the reason I'm now Papa to you and your sister. You will always have a special place in my heart. Papa will miss you, Nermil 💙

  14. We did it! We have hit 1000 listens on the Pride Tribe podcast! This is all thanks to you all! Thank you for tuning into us week after week and supporting us as we get off the ground! Here's to 1000 more!

  15. 撤销
  16. 11月12日
  17. 11月10日

    Straights: what’s your favorite beer? My gay ass:

  18. 11月9日

    In Canada we’ve had 15 mass shootings Since 1885. We have very tough gun regulations. In the US One mass shooting per day. Maybe I’m bias b/c I’m Canadian but isn’t it worth sacrificing a few guns to save thousands of children. Who will otherwise be killed, each day.

  19. 11月8日

    Had a great day rocking out a with and discussing and issues people face on a daily basis. It will be dropping next week on !

  20. Sometimes the world can seem so dark and negative that we forget to see the happiness in it. On those days, I look has that goofy smile, or this sweet face of my sleeping pup and I remember how good the world can be.



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