Vivek AgnihotriTài khoản được xác nhận


Morally, it's disgusting. Legally, it's questionable. Personally, I like it. Award-winning filmmaker & writer. Columnist. Public speaker. TedX

Mumbai, India & Himalayas
Đã tham gia tháng 9 năm 2008
Sinh vào ngày 10 tháng 11

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  1. Tweet đã ghim

    My speech on the modus operandi of the Naxals at Harvard Univ Conclave.

  2. đã Tweet lại
    3 giờ trước
    Đang trả lời

    Last 22 years I m facing it. 35 films 40 serials 2000 episodes. 800 articles n still same lonliness

  3. A writer's journey is so lonely.

  4. đã Tweet lại
    11 giờ trước
    Đang trả lời

    Coz they couldn't do "My Way", they chose "Highway"

  5. đã Tweet lại
    11 giờ trước
    Đang trả lời

    I am victim of accident due to poor highway with big pot holes...

  6. Why don't we teach 'how to ignore the stupid', in our schools?

  7. đã Tweet lại
  8. đã Tweet lại

    One of the most controversial movies of recent times raises many big questions WATCH

  9. Out of 5lac+ odd accidents on highways only 16k odd are from drunk driving. Rest due to poor road management. Shouldn't they ban highways?

  10. My prayers are with Vinod Khanna saheb.

  11. Very rarely a movie remains relevant one year after its release. finds new meanings and grows everyday. Watch it now.

  12. The fakest thing you can ever see in cold drink advertising. Kendall Jenner for PEPSI Commercial via

  13. đã Tweet lại
    15 giờ trước

    AKA why Math must be a compulsory subject for aspiring journos.

  14. Good morning. We find true happiness with genuine people, not the smart ones. Chose genuine people over everything.

  15. Early next year. Film on the mysterious death of our second prime minster Lal Bahadur Shashtri.

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