Topic | Parenting | The Sydney Morning Herald


A third of women think they're better parents than their partners

A third of women think they're better parents than their partners

And a third of men agree.

  • by Cat Rodie


Eddie Murphy expecting 10th child at age 57

Eddie Murphy expecting 10th child at age 57

The actor is adding to his brood, reports say, with longtime girlfriend Paige Butcher.

  • by Erin Jensen
How hypnotherapy cured my son's stutter

How hypnotherapy cured my son's stutter

After almost a decade of speech therapy, we decided to try a new tack.

  • by Libby-Jane Charleston
Parents need to know: not all unkindness is bullying

Parents need to know: not all unkindness is bullying

If we write every unpleasant encounter off as bullying, we don't prepare our kids well.

  • by Braden Bell
How to read to girls

How to read to girls

There are more heroes to go around than little boys might have us believe.

  • by Clementine Ford
Three's a crowd: Millennials are shifting Australia's family values

Three's a crowd: Millennials are shifting Australia's family values

Marriage is unimportant and three kids are too many for most, a new survey has found.

  • by Jenny Noyes
The friends who pursued their career passion after having kids

The friends who pursued their career passion after having kids

Combining work with the needs of a young family while making room for your true passion might sound like an impossible mix, but these three friends have done it.

  • by Clare Patience
Doctor's orders: let children just play

Doctor's orders: let children just play

This may seem old-fashioned, but there are skills to be learned when kids aren't told what to do.

  • by Melissa Healy
Children's Book Week: the lazy parent's guide to a great costume

Children's Book Week: the lazy parent's guide to a great costume

There's nothing that brings more fear into a parent's heart than hearing the words "I need a Book Week Costume next week".

  • by Karen Hardy
I thought my daughter was the problem. It was me

I thought my daughter was the problem. It was me

A 2017 Medibank survey found that a third of mums suffer from stress compared to a quarter of the general population.

  • by Lauren Wallace
How to tell if your child is gifted
High school

How to tell if your child is gifted

Screening year 1 students to identify gifted children could prevent thousands from missing out on targeted teaching and becoming disengaged with school.

  • by Pallavi Singhal