How to update the phone number on your account

An accurate and up-to-date phone number is an important step you can take toward improved account security.

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Update your phone number

  1. In the top menu, tap your profile icon, then tap Settings and privacy.
  2. Tap Account.
  3. Tap Phone number and select Update number.
  4. Follow the prompt to update your phone number on the keypad. 

Note: To delete your current number, tap Phone number, select Delete number, then tap Yes, delete to confirm.

Update your phone number

  1. In the top menu, you will either see a navigation menu icon  or your profile icon. Tap whichever icon you have, and select Settings and privacy.
  2. Tap Account.
  3. Tap Phone number.
  4. Follow the prompt to update your phone number on the keypad. 

Note: To delete your current number, tap Phone number, select Delete number, then tap Yes, delete to confirm.

Update your phone number

  1. Log in to your Twitter account.
  2. Go to your Settings and privacy by clicking your profile icon at the top right of the navigation bar and selecting Settings and privacy from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on the Mobile tab.
  4. Next to where your phone number is listed, click Edit.
  5. Update your phone number and click Continue.
  6. We will send a code (via SMS text message) to your phone number. Enter it in the Verification code box and click Activate phone.
  7. You’ll see a Your phone is activated! message to confirm your updated number.

Note: When you add the same phone number to another account, it’s important to understand that only the account most recently linked to this phone number can perform SMS commands and receive the SMS account activity notifications. Other accounts linked with the same phone number will not be able to edit the notification settings. Each account that has your phone number associated with it will still receive SMS text messages for password reset requests or security features like login verification. Read more about adding your phone number to multiple accounts.

To remove your mobile number via SMS

  1. Using the phone you want to remove from your Twitter account, send a text message containing only the word STOP to your country's Twitter short code.
  2. Your mobile number will be removed from your Twitter account immediately. Follow these instructions to add a new mobile number via SMS.

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