Report private information posted on Twitter

Posting another person’s private and confidential information is a violation of the Twitter Rules. Read about our policy regarding private information posted on Twitter

Do I need to have a Twitter account to make a report?

No, you do not need to have a Twitter account to file a report that your private and confidential information has been posted on Twitter.

Can I report unauthorized posting of Copyrighted material?

If your copyrighted material has been Tweeted without your permission, please review our Copyright and DMCA policy.  

What can I do if my information is posted on other websites?

We cannot take down any information that is posted on a website other than Twitter. If your information is posted on another website, please contact the help center or support staff for the website where your information is posted.

How do I report that my private information is posted on Twitter?

You can report that your private information has been posted on Twitter directly from the offending Tweet(s). Learn how to report individual Tweets.

File a report that someone has posted your private information

What happens when Twitter receives a valid report?

When we receive a complete and valid report that private information has been posted on Twitter, we’ll investigate the account and Tweets reported. We will review where, if anywhere, the information has been made publicly available before taking action on the account or Tweets.  If the information you reported was previously posted elsewhere on the Internet, it is not a violation of our policy and we will not take action.

Learn more about protecting your private information on Twitter and other websites.

Read our policy regarding private information posted on Twitter.

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