Students as young as eight banned from classroom by teachers

Students as young as eight banned from classroom by teachers

Students as young as eight are being banned from classrooms and teachers in a Queensland state school have refused to teach one youngster for a month after violent, disruptive behaviour.

In the latest incident, the Queensland Teachers’ Union last month issued a directive that members at a Darling Downs primary school “withdraw normal instruction” from a girl in year 3.

An eight-year-old girl was taught on her own in the school’s library for five weeks after teachers withdrew instruction amid health and safety concerns.

An eight-year-old girl was taught on her own in the school’s library for five weeks after teachers withdrew instruction amid health and safety concerns.

Photo: Shutterstock

The girl’s mother, who requested anonymity, said the move came after a series of behavioural issues which caused her daughter to “push the teacher”.

After the incident, QTU members held a ballot and decided to withdraw instruction to the student.

A supply teacher taught the student in the school's library for five weeks.


The girl’s mother told Fairfax Media her daughter had depression, anxiety, an undiagnosed form of social communication disorder and below-average learning capabilities.

“She doesn’t understand social cues and she doesn’t understand things like metaphors or jokes,” her mother said.

“Her vocabulary is poor and she doesn’t understand a lot of words because she doesn’t get the concepts.

“The school doesn’t convey any conversations they have with her to me. They don’t want my input.

“They put her in ‘solitary confinement’ for five weeks.

“They don’t tell me what’s going on and I’ve not been given copies of any incident reports they have.”

The mother admitted her child pushed the teacher, but denied it was assault, claiming it was her daughter’s response to five or six staff crowding around her, the removal of her fidget spinners, and losing access to her "quiet space".

But sources with knowledge of an investigation into the incident said the class teacher was on the receiving end of disruptive behaviour for nine months, and had since gone on stress leave.

QTU vice-president Sam Pidgeon defended the practice of withdrawing instruction from students, saying the directives were a last resort and only issued when there were workplace health and safety concerns.

“In this case, the teacher had experienced multiple assaults,” Ms Pidgeon said.

“The members got to the point where they felt the education department wasn’t going to do anything about this unless we took this step.


“We came to the view that the department was not working in the best interests of the health and safety of their employee.”

Schools had learning support programs in place for students with such high needs they required additional support, she added.

“Struggling with school work or struggling socially are reasons why students often act out or disengage,” Ms Pidgeon said.

“Sometimes, the work is too hard and they can’t keep up, so they decide to behave badly instead of trying to catch up.

“But there are thousands of students across Queensland who are having a tough time socially or emotionally, or are struggling with the curriculum - and they’re not violent towards their teachers.

“Students know that it is wrong to assault a teacher. Where they continue to choose that behaviour and it’s impacting on other teachers and students, we have to act.

“There’s got to be zero tolerance for violence or assaults towards teachers.”

Ms Pidgeon said it was more common for special education teachers to be assaulted than colleagues in mainstream classrooms.

“But even in those cases, it’s not OK for teachers or teacher aides to be punched or kicked or bitten or have their hair pulled when they go to work,” she said.

“In cases where that sort of level of violence is at that extreme, that’s where we start to talk to parents about the setting, what additional support we need to put in place, and so on.”

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Department of Education was unable to comment on the specific case for privacy reasons, but said they were committed to an “inclusive education system” that met the needs of all children.

“Schools put in place appropriate supports and resources to meet those needs so that students can access and participate in quality education.

“Funding and resources are provided to assist schools to make these adjustments.

Queensland state schools are committed to providing safe learning and working environments for children, young people, staff and visitors, they said.

“Principals have a responsibility to protect the safety and wellbeing of all students and staff.

“[The school] continues to work with the student and family to address their concerns while ensuring a safe learning environment for all students and staff.”