Scott Morrison says he will pursue 'preventative regulation' on religious freedom

Scott Morrison says he will pursue 'preventative regulation' on religious freedom

Prime Minister Scott Morrison will enact "preventative regulation and legislation" to shield freedom of religion from future enemies, giving his strongest hints to date about the government's intentions regarding "religious freedom" laws.

In a television interview with Sky News on Monday night, Mr Morrison indicated he was displeased with the "trajectory" of freedom of speech and freedom of religion over the past decade.

Eyeing "preventative" law reform: Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Eyeing "preventative" law reform: Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Asked to identify specific areas that needed protection, the PM said the Christian school to which he sent his children should be able to hire and fire staff as it pleased, and deliver education in line with his expectations as a Christian parent. Schools can already do so under current laws.

He also said Australians should be free to take up positions on the boards of public companies — or as partners in a law firm — regardless of whether their religious beliefs conflicted with the policies of that company.

"Why should you be denied a directorship or a partnership in a law firm or accountancy firm just because you happen to have expressed on Facebook or somewhere a particular religious belief?" Mr Morrison asked.


"It shouldn't happen in this country. Now, I'm not saying it is, necessarily. People say 'oh well, if there's not this great problem, why do you need to do it?' [But] can they guarantee me it won't happen in the future?

"I've seen where this issue has gone over the last 10 years. And issues of freedom of speech, I've seen where they've gone over the last 10 years. I'm not quite sure I'm pleased with the trajectory.

"So there's nothing wrong with a bit of preventative regulation and legislation to ensure your religious freedom in this country. I mean, what's more fundamental than that?"

Mr Morrison made the comments in an interview with Sky News host Paul Murray, for which he briefly excused himself from a cabinet meeting on Monday night.

The country's first Pentecostal prime minister has inherited from his predecessor a review of Australia's laws on "religious freedom" which was undertaken by former Liberal attorney-general Philip Ruddock and handed to the government in May.

The government has yet to release a response, but Mr Morrison has hinted at making it a priority in coming months. The review was commissioned by Mr Turnbull as a way to deal with concerns about freedom of religion raised by conservatives in the wake of the legalisation of same-sex marriage.

Murray raised with Mr Morrison the concern that unfettered religious freedom could grant "the extremes of any faith" sufficient cover to protect "the worst parts of their faith", citing underage marriage and polygamy.

Mr Morrison in turn said religious beliefs should be protected as long as they did not "contravene national laws".

Michael Koziol is the immigration and legal affairs reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based in Parliament House