Loyal to a big bank? You’re throwing away $134,358

Loyal to a big bank? You’re throwing away $134,358

This is a column just begging to be written.

The big four banks have nailed their respective colours to the mast, with all but one of them choosing to hike mortgage interest rates out-of-cycle. Kudos to NAB, which has chosen to instead rebuild consumer “trust”.

The others raised all variable loans by 14 basis points (first-mover Westpac), 15bp (CBA) and 16bp (ANZ).

What a coincidence then, that it is also the fifth anniversary of my Interest Integrity Index.

NAB's 'break up' advertising campaign.

NAB's 'break up' advertising campaign.

Photo: John Woudstra

Created to shine a spotlight on rogue rate rises, I take the percentages charged by our largest lenders and those by our cheapest, and apply each to the average Aussie’s debts … to reveal how much extra over a lifetime you’ll pay if you stay.


In September 2013, it was $78,948. Today it’s $134,358.

So it used to be roughly the average annual wage but now it’s closer to twice that.

Putting it another way, you could be driving a new-release Tesla Model S 90D – for free. Instead, hundreds of thousands of people unwittingly give away the equivalent of their 20 per cent house deposit and then some (this is the magic level at which you avoid lenders’ mortgage insurance; that deposit is currently $99,325 on the average loan size).

In percentage terms, in just five years, the rate over-take has leapt 70 per cent.

Due to its sheer size, the bulk of the excess interest is courtesy of your mortgage. But let’s not forget official rates have fallen four times (100 basis points) over the period, from 2.5 per cent to a rock bottom 1.5 per cent, so the average large-lender variable rate is lower – not 5.91 per cent but 5.34 per cent.

Did you catch the pricing capers though? That means the average big bank’s premium to the cash rate has become even heftier: it’s moved from 3.41 percentage points to 3.84 points.

I commissioned data house Mozo to lay bare the hikes and holds for owner occupiers over the now-10 years since the credit crack-up. It reports most of the big four have retained a portion of official rate cuts on seven different occasions (six for ANZ), have popped a bit extra onto increases once or twice (NAB is the once) and have independently lifted rates between three (NBA) and five (CBA) times. There were also across-the-board tiny out-of-cycle cuts mid-last-year.

So where do our money monolith’s rates stand versus the – note fierce – competition? The differential between the biggest and best over the period has also lifted, from 1.42 percentage points to a whopping 1.9 per cent. Interestingly, this has barely expanded in the past 1.5 years.

It’s also worth noting that since June, Mozo says only 24 non-big four banks have hiked home loan rates for new customers, leaving 57 that haven't made moves. Yet.

The problem is the big banks’ interest overcharge applies to loans that are so much larger, precisely the issue when official rates ultimately start to rise, which even Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe believes they will.

An average Aussie mortgage that that ABS data shows is 32 per cent higher than five years ago, at near on $400,000 (indeed several months ago it tipped over that), means the loan take alone has leapt from $75,116 to $127,722.

On credit cards, RBA and ASIC data put the average debt at $4231, slightly down from $4577 in 2013, but the big bank rate take has jumped from an extra 7.75 percentage points to 9.42 points. There are two reasons: cut-price competition in the past five years and the banks keeping card rates virtually unchanged regardless – still a ludicrously high 18.41 per cent.

Your unnecessary overpayment (assuming $100 monthly repayments)? $1634.

But on personal loans (unsecured), the big banks charge not just the 3.54 points over-the-odds they did five years back, but double at 7.4 points (although they’ve more recently responded to new market entrants – presumably discount, peer-to-peer lenders among the biggest motivators – and started offering better deals).


Customers’ dollar detriment – based on a $3300-higher average loan size of $23,000 - is $5002 over a five-year period (note no official average figures are available so I use the six-month average amount searched on Mozo’s product comparison tool).

If all this interest outrage has not made you leap out of your chair to at least ask your big bank for a mortgage discount, I don’t know what will. Better of course would be to ditch and switch ... if you can get approved in this tighter lending environment.

There’s now a helluva home loan "lax tax" over a lifetime. But it’s also $426 – each and every month.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is a money educator and consumer advocate. themoneymentorway.com