They have a knack for
Gov. jobs guarantee? How does that work? One group of people walk around digging holes and another group follows them around filling them back in? Some of these points are ridiculous and will make things worse not better.
You know how pretty much anybody can join the military if they meet a minimal set of criteria? Imagine that, but not just the military.
And it’s not like the US hasn’t had similar programs in the past: …
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It’s funny how they don’t realize their attacks are influencing more people to support you
They don’t know how the internetz work these days. Truly out of touch. Even more evidence.
They also don’t realize just how hated they are in general. I like Ocasio already, but if I didn’t - them attacking her would immediately make my sympathize with her.
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"Ocasio 2018- Get used to me slayin'" Best campaign slogan ever.
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I want merch with this on it tbh
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Pretty dope tbh
Danke! Twitter wird dies nutzen, um deine Timeline zu verbessern. Rückgängig machenRückgängig machen
Alexandria next time say you are “stunting pretty” and you will get the gay vote for the rest of your career.
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It's amazing how obsessed they are with you
Why won’t she debate anyone?
No need to. Her district is a locked win. Doing grassroots campaigning and supporting other candidates are a better use of her time
Then she should stick to her district. Open free debate is the essence of a democracy. To avoid it is to show the weakness in her arguments.
It's a wrap. She doesn't have to do anything. The idiots at Fox are ironically giving her a national platform.
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