Uploading a Digital Show

MNN only accepts digital uploads from our Community Producers. Please be sure to read the information on this page to ensure that your uploaded file meets our technical requirements.


Click here for HD technical requirements. You must follow these requirements if your program appears on MNN's HD Community Channel.

Click here for SD technical requirements. You must follow these requirements if your program appears on MNN 1, 2, 3, or 4.


Note that MNN is still working on making this process as easy and quick as possible. If you experience any hiccups, please feel free to email us or contact the Broadcast Operation Center at 212-757-2670 x302.

Please also note that both the MNN El Barrio Firehouse and our 59th St Facility have upload stations you can use to submit media to MNN.

The upload stations are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are available during our regular hours of operation.

Any files that do not comply with the appropriate standards described below will NOT be accepted.


Submitting a Promo

If you are submitting a Promo for your series program please use the following convention: ProjectNumber_promo 

For example, if your project number is 100 your submission should read 100_promo.mov or 100_promo.mp4 or 100_promo.wmv

Any questions please contact the programming department at Program@mnn.org

Submitting a Single

If you are submitting a Single episode:

  1. Please save your files as follows: showtitle_single
  2. Go to http://upload.mnn.org

Submitting a Pilot Episode

If you are submitting a Pilot episode (ONLY the first episode of a Series):

  1. Please save your files as follows: showtitle_pilot
  2. Go to http://upload.mnn.org

Submitting a Series

If you are submitting a Series for airing, please use the following convention: Projectnumber_airdate

For example, if your project number is 100 and your airdate is December 17, your submission should read 100_1217.mov or 100_1217.mp4 or 100_1217wmv

Please reference your confirmation letter for project number and airdates.

Go to http://upload.mnn.org

File Submission Due Dates

All digital submissions are due four business days before they are scheduled to air*. Late submissions will not be played. Media submitted after the due date will be cablecast on the next scheduled airdate.

Monday digital submissions are due on Thursday by 8:00 pm

Tuesday digital submissions are due on Friday by 8:00 pm

Wednesday and Thursday digital submissions are due on Saturday by 4:00 pm

Friday digital submissions are due on Monday by 8:00 pm

Saturday digital submissions are due on Tuesday by 8:00 pm

Sunday digital submissions are due on Wednesday at 8:00 pm


Please note: Any digital media submitted after the time indicated above will count as being submitted on the next business day. If the due date falls on a closed holiday, media are due the business day before the holiday. MNN observes all national holidays.

Uploading HD files takes longer than uploading SD files. In order to meet our media submission deadlines, please be prepared to allow for extra upload time either at home or at MNN's facilities


If you are having issues sending your show

Please try using WeTransfer as an alternate solution. 
Note: The free version of this service has a 2GB file size limit, and may not be available for producers whose programs will appear on our HD Community Channel.

  1. Visit www.wetransfer.com
  2. Attach your file 
  3. For Series email tapelibrary@mnn.org. For a Single/ Pilot email programforms@mnn.org
  4. When prompted to enter “Your Email” please submit your email address.
  5. Message: This field is optional and can be used to add a message to the Tape Library.
  6. Hit the “Transfer” button and wait until the progress bar indicates 100%.

You will receive a confirmation email once the upload is complete and a second confirmation email once we have downloaded the file you submitted.

Want MNN to promote your program?

Fill out this form to be included in our weekly web and social media feature on upcoming programs!

Feature your videos on our website by filling out this form!