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Awesome example of sports as resistance!

The Marathon of Afghanistan provides a chance for international and local runners of all ethnicities, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds to compete in a marathon or 10km race.

Save the Chimps is raising $7,000 by August 31!

In celebration of National Banana Lovers Day, our friends at Save the Chimps, Inc. are trying to raise $7,000 by August 31 to pay for a month's worth of bananas for their 250 chimps. They eat about 720 bananas every day!

Some amazing craftwork from CANAC!

The Central Asian Network for Arts and Culture aims foster the growth of cultural activity in Central Asia, both by protecting cultural heritage and by creating new outlets for arts and crafts in the region.

Get involved with work around housing affordability!

Check out our ally New York Communities Organizing Fund, Inc!

"Kids hold the power in strengthening languages."

There are currently about 7,000 languages spoken worldwide, and at least half are projected to disappear in this century.



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