S y d n e y T r a d s

Weblog of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum

SydneyTrads is the internet portal and communication page of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum, an association of “old school” conservative, traditionalist and paleoconservative individuals who live, work and study in Sydney, New South Wales.


We are in Fellowship with the Hestia Society for Social Research and support the work of the Traditional Britain Group, Tradition Family and PropertyThe Mencken Club and the Orthosphere.

Button - Hestia Society Button - Traditional Britain Group Button - Tradition Family Property - Australia
Button - Social Matter h l mencken club orthosphere-button


STF Symposium HomeOur forum provides a safe space in which a diverse group of thinkers across the ‘rightist’ spectrum can engage in metapolitical discourse on theory. In addition to our regular contributors to this website, the following representatives from around the world have been involved in the STF Symposia between 2015 to 2017:

♣ Prof. Paul E. Gottfried ♣ Prof. Thomas F. Bertonneau ♣ Prof. Barry Spurr ♣ Adj. Prof. Richard Cocks ♣ Dr. Krzysztof Urbanek ♣ Dr. Peter King ♣ Dr. Frank K. Salter ♣ Dr. Alain de Benoist ♣ Dr. Tomislav Sunić ♣ James Kalb ♣ Kristor J. Lawson ♣ Luke Torrisi ♣ Mark Richardson ♣ Brett Stevens ♣ Michael W. Davis ♣ Morgan Qasabian ♣ Gwendolyn Taunton ♣ Alastair Hermann ♣ Alastair Paynter ♣ Urho Lintinen ♣ Valdis Grinsteins ♣ Michael Tung ♣ Johannes Ekjord ♣


Use alternative social media and alternative online technology:

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SydneyTrads is the internet portal and communication page of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum: an association of young professionals who form part of the Australian paleoconservative, classical reactionary, “NRx” and independent right (also known as the “Dissident Right”).

Recommended book:

Frank Salter, "The Aboriginal Question" (2018)

RSS Orthosphere

RSS Gornahoor

Recommended book:

Frank Salter, “The War on Human Nature in Australia’s Political Culture” (2017)

RSS Social Matter

Recommended book:

Paul Gottfried, "Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt - Toward a Secular Theocracy" (2004)

RSS OzConservative

Recommended book:

Paul Gottfried, “After Liberalism: Mass Democracy in the Managerial State” (1999)

RSS Kakistocracy