Mata Amritanandamayiحساب موثّق


Amma, world renowned spiritual and humanitarian leader whose life and message of Love and Compassion has inspired and transformed millions around the globe.

Amritapuri, India
انضم في أغسطس ٢٠٠٨


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  1. ٢٥ مارس

    Just as we manage the external world, it is equally important to learn to manage the internal world—our thoughts and emotions. Otherwise, we will remain half developed. --1/2

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  2. ٢٥ مارس

    In order to manage businesses and companies, many people get their MBA and other such degrees. Learning to manage 500 people really means learning to manage 500 minds. However, despite all of our education, we fail to learn to manage our own mind.

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  3. ٢٥ مارس

    .. It will be like going to a gym and only exercising our arms—only our biceps will develop, but the rest of our body will look deformed. --2/2

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  4. ٢٤ مارس

    Unfortunately, consciously or unconsciously, a serious misunderstanding has crept into our education system. This confusion has led to us perceiving discernment and information as two separate things. This view is wrong.

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  5. ٢٣ مارس

    Knowledge and viveka—proper discernment—are inseparable, like a flower and its fragrance, a word and its meaning, a lamp and its light. However, today, our educational system is limited to the mere collecting of information. The light of discernment is slowly disappearing.

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  6. ٢٠ مارس

    ... When everyone’s bodies and faces are smeared with colours, all external differences disappear; everyone looks the same. True happiness and love arise only when all the boundaries created by the mind vanish. You see yourself everywhere." - ₳₥₥₳ 2/2

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  7. ٢٠ مارس

    "Holi signifies boundless happiness. As we enjoy such sacred festivities, we should remember that, in reality, they are meant to remind us of the inner bliss and oneness that are our inherent nature and are the very essence of life.... 1/2

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  8. ٢٠ مارس

    आप सबको होली की शुभ-कामनाएँ! ‘‘आपका जीवन आनन्द के रंग से भरा रहे।’’

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  9. ١٧ مارس

    Technology is a good servant but a dangerous master. For many people, relationships have become confined to the numbers in the phone. Then we pawn our very consciousness to the unconscious machine. We should use machines and love people. -

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  10. ١٤ مارس

    Looking back at our past, we should take stock of ourselves. And with an eye to the future, we should engage in positive actions. -

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  11. ٨ مارس

    The more space we create in our heart for others, the more happiness and contentment we feel. The law of the universe, and of life, is selflessness. This is why selfish and egoistic people are unable to enjoy life wholeheartedly and be happy.

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  12. ٤ مارس

    is a celebration of sacrifice, dispassion and renunciation. Shivaratri teaches us to abandon all other thoughts in contemplation of God and to realize the ultimate purpose of human life."

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  13. ٤ مارس

    शिवरात्रि उत्सव है त्याग,वैराग्य और निवृत्ति का! शिवरात्रि से हमें दूसरे सब विचारों को छोड़ कर परमात्म-चिंतन में लग कर,मनुष्य-जीवन के परम लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति करने की शिक्षा मिलती है। -अम्मा

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  14. ٣ مارس

    teaches us to abandon all other thoughts in contemplation of God, and to realize the ultimate purpose of human life. -

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  15. ٣ مارس

    is set aside for his remembrance—the Supreme Lord Shiva. We should pay attention to two converse sides of Shiva. One side, we see him seated in deep meditation and pure abidance in samadhi. The other side we see the Lord’s active dance of destruction—the Tandava.

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  16. ٦ فبراير

    It is not wrong to worship God with the intent of achieving success or wealth. But it is only when we love God for God’s own sake that our lives become blessed. When that attitude of surrender comes, all that we need will come to us, as and when it is needed. -

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  17. ٥ فبراير

    Compassion towards fellow beings is just as important as love and devotion to God. They are two sides of the same coin. Without the passport of selfless service to ones fellow-beings, we will not get the visa of devotion. God’s grace will shine on those with compassion.

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  18. ٢٥ يناير

    To be able to put oneself in another’s position, to be able to see and to feel as another person does, this is the rare gift of an earnest spiritual seeker.

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  19. ١٥ يناير

    Happy to all. "For me there is no creator and creations. Like the ocean and the waves, they are all one and the same. God is in the people or in the world, and the world is in the people. It is love that transforms into worship. Even nature is part of God." -

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  20. ١٤ يناير

    Environmental protection is one of the greatest issues mankind faces today. If only we would walk along the path shown by our ancestors, we could easily find solutions to the problems we are facing in this area. -

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ربّما يعاني تويتر من الحمل الزائد أو يواجه عطلًا مؤقّتًا. حاول مجدّدًا أو تفقّد حالة تويتر لمزيد من المعلومات.

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