Insights on every Tweet

The Tweet activity dashboard shows you a detailed analysis of your Twitter activity. For each Tweet you send, you’ll be able to track:

  • The number of impressions
  • The number of engagements
  • The engagement rate (impressions divided by engagements)

Click on the individual Tweets to pull up more specifics on your engagements, such as the number of:

  • Video views
  • Link clicks
  • Photo or video clicks
  • Likes
  • Retweets
  • Replies
  • Detail expands
  • Profile clicks

You’ll also be able to see how many of these engagements you average per day, and how your engagement rate and number of impressions changes throughout the month.

When you learn what resonates with your audience, you can start Tweeting similar content. This dashboard is a helpful place to visit when you’re thinking about planning a content calendar for your Twitter account. 

Click on the top Tweets tab to see your best performers. You can easily share them with a wider audience by using quick promote.

Learn more about Quick Promote.


Download historical reports

Want more data? You can download the analytics for your past 3,200 Tweets posted after October 2013.

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