Advertiser Tools and APIs

Ads API Announcements This category is for maintaining an archive of previous Ads API Announcements that have been posted in the main forum category. Please refer to this to review previous announcements that have been made. Ads API SDKs This category is for general discussion of Twitter Ads API SDKs. MoPub SDK MoPub is the leading mobile ad server that supports all of the major campaign management, budgeting and targeting features you need to grow your business on iOS and Android. Ads API Japanese こちらは日本語のTwitter Ads APIコミュニティのカテゴリーです。Ads APIに関するご質問、イシューなど自由に投稿およびコミュニケーション頂くことが可能です。<br>ご利用頂く開発者のみなさまに役立つコミュニティになるよう、運営チーム一同継続的に改修、改善を行ってまいります。 Ads API Access This sub-category is for discussions about your Twitter Ads API application or general Ads API access issues. For issues related to Ad Accounts on <a href=""></a>, please submit Help? request directly from <a href=""></a>.
[Feedback] Ads API Consistency [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (2)

Twitter Ads API Community, Our team is committed to delivering high-quality products that are both useful and usable. One of the areas we’re focused on is our endpoint interfaces. We are auditing our endpoints to identi…

Ads API Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (1)

Basics / General What information do I need to provide in order to get help on the forums as quickly as possible? I am getting rate limited all the time, what am I doing wrong? Can my rate limits be elevated? Do you …

Guidelines for Reporting Issues [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (1)
About the Advertiser Tools and APIs category [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (3)
Identify Promoted and Organic when redirect to the target "Website URL" [Ads API SDKs] (3)
Getting 'Sorry! That page doesn't exist.' when trying to create sandbox account with twurl [Ads API Access] (11)
Getting UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS while trying to use Ads API even after approval [Ads API SDKs] (7)
Error on call via App [Ads API Access] (4)
Historical metrics using Ads API [Ads API Access] (3)
Two accounts with same tweet user id [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (2)
Missing data for line_item_ids for Twitter Ads /accounts/*/promoted_tweets endpoint [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (11)
Ad transparency center [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (3)
Master thread for reporting TA processing issues [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (7)
Anybody With Experience Configuring/Setting Up Mopub Ad Mediation Interested in Helping? [MoPub SDK] (1)
Anybody else having issues opening MoPub Marketplace's reports today? (Aug 7th 2018) [MoPub SDK] (1)
MoPub 5.2.0 Android 's MoPub.initializeSdk(...) high failure rate - SdkInitializationListener needs to notify failure too [MoPub SDK] (1)
「promoted_tweets」リクエスト時の「with_deleted」について質問です。 [Ads API Japanese] (5)
Mopub v 5.0.0 cause a lot of ANRs in Google Play dev console [MoPub SDK] (4)
Is the metric "minutes viewed" could be retrieved using Ads API? [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (2)
Twitter cards with follow to action button [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (2)
Initialisation limitation in in 5.2.0 [MoPub SDK] (1)
Status of Ads API Access [Ads API Access] (1)
Synchronous Analytics GET stats/accounts/:account_id api giving me unauthorised access [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (9)
Not Able To access Twitter Synchronous Analytics GET stats/accounts/:account_id [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (20)
{"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS","message":"This request is not properly authenticated"}],"request":{"params":{}}} [Advertiser Tools and APIs] (4)
This application cannot authenticate more users - please remove ads api from our app for now [Ads API Access] (2)
Mopub changes app icon to Mopub logo for Android 8.0 and above users [MoPub SDK] (4)
Mopub 5.2.0 Load Rewarded Videos gives a lot of ANRs [MoPub SDK] (3)
GDPR - Flurry mediated by Mopub, consent passing dilema [MoPub SDK] (2)
Twitter pixel - is it possible to push your own values in to the pixel and how [MoPub SDK] (2)