Search results for: All Alcohol content

7 Results


Study offers new marketing mix modeling insights and guidance on where to invest

How effective are Twitter campaigns? New Marketing Mix Modeling studies covering two years of Twitter activity for four clients in three markets show Twitter marketing campaigns deliver a higher ROI.


Twitter changes the live TV sports viewing experience

New research shows how brands can gain greater engagement with sports fans by leveraging Twitter during live TV sporting events.


Game time on Twitter: A recipe for your brand’s success

How brands can influence sports fans’ food and alcohol choices and translate that influence into greater revenue.

Case Study

This Bud’s for you: How Anheuser-Busch InBev brews brand engagement

How beloved American brewery Anheuser-Busch InBev taps into what’s happening on Twitter to lift sales.

Case Study

St-Germain crafts an artistic, fleeting experience on Periscope

See how St-Germain Liqueur used Periscope to create an innovative "live peep show" that produced positive sentiment around the brand.


From TVs to beertails: how chatbots help brands engage consumers on Twitter

Discover how Wendy’s, MTV, Patrón, and other brands are engaging consumers using chatbots on Twitter.

Case Study

: how Patrón Tequila drove interest in its Bot-Tender chatbot

Learn how Patrón Tequila used the Direct Message Card to drive awareness of its Bot-Tender chatbot on Twitter.

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