Welcome to Gentoo, a flexible, source-based Linux distribution that becomes just about any system you need—and much more.

Gentoo congratulates our GSoC participants (Sep 7, 2018)

GSOC logo Gentoo would like to congratulate Gibix and JSteward for finishing and passing Google’s Summer of Code for the 2018 calendar year. Gibix contributed by enhancing Rust (programming language) support within Gentoo. JSteward contributed by making a full Gentoo GNU/Linux distribution, managed by Portage, run on devices which use the original Android-customized kernel.

The final reports of their projects can be reviewed on their personal blogs:

Congratulations: Hanno Böck and co-authors win Pwnie! (Aug 12, 2018)

Pwnies logo

Congratulations to security researcher and Gentoo developer Hanno Böck and his co-authors Juraj Somorovsky and Craig Young for winning one of this year’s coveted Pwnie awards!

The award is for their work on the Return Of Bleichenbacher’s Oracle Threat or ROBOT vulnerability, which at the time of discovery affected such illustrious sites as Facebook and Paypal. Technical details can be found in the full paper published at the Cryptology ePrint Archive.

New packages more at the Gentoo packages database

lightdm-mini-greeter A Minimal, Configurable, Single-User GTK3 LightDM Greeter
edid-fixdim Tool to fix screen dimensions in EDID data dumps
android-file-transfer-linux Android File Transfer for Linux
processor-trace Intel(R) Processor Trace decoder library
sourcetrail A cross-platform source explorer for C/C++ and Java

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

Kreybook/AMD64/systemrescuecd started by Kreyren
Xfce/it started by Alogim
Kreybook/i686 started by Kreyren
Kreybook/AMD64 started by Kreyren
Kreybook started by Kreyren