Website traffic & conversions

Attract high-converting site visitors.

Performance advertising in this new mobile era is challenging — the screens are small, the engagement patterns are different and many mobile users are still more comfortable converting on desktop. How can you meet the challenges of the mobile era and increase traffic and conversions on your site?

Use Twitter Ads to turn mobile audiences into customers. Connect with your customers based on their interests in the moment, and inspire them to action with native, media-rich Promoted Tweets. Even if your customers ultimately convert on your site from a desktop computer, you'll have visibility into every cross-device conversion path. You can also extend your success and scale up your performance by running your Twitter Ads campaigns across thousands of popular apps and sites.

Performance marketers who use Twitter Ads have a unique advantage: real-time mobile data. Twitter has the broadest visibility into interests and intent, across devices, apps and sites. We have the unique ability to detect users' passions, wants and needs, whenever and wherever they emerge. Our real-time mobile data lets you form a live connection with your customers in moments when they’re most receptive, and continually optimises your performance for increased conversions and return on investment.


lift in website conversions vs. control for people who engage with Promoted Tweets

Twitter internal data, 2015

Strategies to help you face this challenge

@Username Targeting

Connect with people based on the people and brands they follow.

Keyword Targeting

Reach people based on keywords in their recent Tweets and Tweets they recently engaged with.

Tailored Audiences

Target audiences created from your website visitor and/or CRM data. You may also import targeting groups from select web audience partners.

Website Card

Use a native ad format to pair rich imagery with a call to action and drive site visits and conversions.

Website Tag

Place a snippet of code in the pages of your site and get detailed analytics for every conversion path, including cross-device.

More info

Download the Website Conversions playbook to learn more.
