Help with missing Tweets

Tweets on my profile are cut off after a specific date

We only display your 3,200 most recent Tweets. Truncated profile timelines can be caused by:

  • Accounts deleting many Tweets in a row from their profile.
  • Accounts that run a mass-deletion program on their profile.
  • Please note we do not advise using mass-deletion programs. If you deleted a lot Tweets because you wanted a fresh start on Twitter, read about how to delete multiple Tweets.
  • Tweets more than a week old may fail to display in timelines or search because of indexing capacity restrictions. Old Tweets are never lost, but cannot always be displayed.

The number of Tweets I see on my profile looks wrong

If you deleted a lot Tweets in a row or ran a mass-deletion program, the Tweet count displayed on your profile may not match the true number of Tweets there are.

Tweets don't appear where I expect them to

Read our Types of Tweets and where they appear article for an overview.

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