Gabriel Mazetto


Full-Stack Ruby Developer / DevOps

Utrecht, Netherlands
Joined October 2008

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  1. Como explicar “greve de estudantes” no Brasil: Sindrome de Estocolmo Coletiva + Micareta da Esquerda

  2. GitLab has released version 8.13.3 to patch a critical security vulnerability (CVE-2016-9086):

  3. Grande Dr. Cuca Beludo, sempre presente nos lugares que você menos espera.

  4. In Amsterdam on 3rd of November? 's world tour is there too! Signup at /cc

  5. Digital nomads are the crossfitters of the software industry

  6. In this DDoS day, lucky I have good portions of my own infra in-house :-D cc

  7. We replaced civil society w/ self-selecting, self-reinforcing loops of affinity feeding our brains w/ social validation of dangerous untruth

  8. "Better every month" ... on the 22nd of every month—to be exact. 😄

  9. Bundler 1.13 & multiple source vulnerability, Elm in Rails, let the Asset Pipeline die?, and Capybara & Rails.

  10. Gabriel Mazetto followed , , and 6 others
    • @mjcoffeeholick

      This profile is dark and full of spoilers. - Amateur Astronomer, UX Instructor, UX consultancy and WebDev.

    • @railsgirls

      Rails Girls aims to give tools for girls and women to build their ideas. Get excited and make things!

  11. Dia histórico, muito feliz de ter feito parte da , fechando o ciclo de 10 anos. Vai dar saudades.

  12. Agora que o atingiu a meta (10 anos de eventos de ), podia dobrar a meta

  13. Slides da minha palestra: “There is a Ruby in your Browser” da .

  14. Depois do almoço vou falar um pouco sobre linguagens e como usar Ruby* como sua linguagem para frontend (no browser)

  15. Looking for a job at a start up w/ stay power? Amazing company and leadership. Dear regulators I am an investor.

  16. So happy 2 announce that Ahmad joined our Production Engineering team! Welcome

  17. There are only two hard problems in computer science: 1. People 2. People

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