12 September 2018

Chicago hotel strike pits workers against Democrats’ billionaire candidate for governor

By Jerry White, 12 September 2018

Striking workers are in a battle against the major hotel operators, including Hyatt, which is owned by the Pritzker family.

“Gas, rent and milk goes up and we’re still making the same money”
Striking Chicago hotel workers speak out

By George Gallanis, 12 September 2018

Chicago hotel workers’ strike enters fourth day

Hundreds protest fatal shooting of unarmed man in Dallas, Texas

By Trévon Austin, 12 September 2018

Off-duty police officer Amber Guyger fatally shot unarmed 26-year-old Botham Jean inside his own apartment.

Dallas police officer charged with manslaughter 72 hours after shooting neighbor in his own apartment

German government plans combat mission against Syria

By Johannes Stern, 12 September 2018

Behind the backs of the German people, the Grand Coalition government is preparing a massive combat mission against the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Fifteen thousand protest throughout Germany against war, police repression and the fascist right

By our reporters, 12 September 2018

The mass demonstrations took place in Hanover, Munich and Dachau and were directed against both the Grand Coalition and the fascistic AfD.

German neo-Nazis attack Jewish restaurant during far-right riot in Chemnitz

The fight against fascism in Germany requires a socialist perspective

More on the growth of the extreme right in Europe »

Trades Union Congress in Britain silent on anti-Corbyn coup plot

By Robert Stevens, 12 September 2018

The TUC crowed that this year’s congress marked the 150th anniversary of its founding, but not one platform speaker even referred to the attack on the leader of the Labour party established by the unions.

UK: Journalists exposing police collusion in Loughinisland massacre arrested

By Steve James, 12 September 2018

Relatives of the six men killed in 1994 protested the arrests, holding a vigil outside the bar in Loughinisland, Northern Ireland where they were shot.

Russian government cracks down on protesters during regional elections

By Clara Weiss, 12 September 2018

The crackdown on supporters of Navalny is meant to intimidate the millions of Russian workers and youth who oppose Putin’s pension reform.

Ontario invokes anti-democratic “notwithstanding clause” to override court ruling

By Roger Jordan, 12 September 2018

The vow of Ontario’s right-wing premier to nullify democratic rights in order to push through his big business agenda must serve as a warning to the working class.

Brazil’s Workers Party drops Lula as candidate for president

By Miguel Andrade, 12 September 2018

Faced with a legal deadline, the PT substituted ex-São Paulo Mayor Fernando Haddad for the jailed former president.

Washington bullies Central American countries for adopting “One China” policy

By Andrea Lobo, 12 September 2018

Having respected the “One China” policy since 1979, US measures against countries pursuing the same course constitute a remarkable level of imperialist bullying and hypocrisy.

Pacific Islands Forum intensifies anti-China push

By John Braddock, 12 September 2018

The forum’s enhanced “regional security” agreement signals deepening tensions in the Pacific between Washington and its allies, Australia and New Zealand, and Beijing.

Australia: The pseudo-left Victorian Socialists and its pro-capitalist election manifesto

By Patrick O’Connor, 12 September 2018

What is underway ahead of the November state election is a somewhat desperate effort by the pseudo-left to revive illusions in Labor, the Greens and the trade unions.

Poor and unhealthy: Australia’s artists in social free-fall

By Kaye Tucker, 12 September 2018

Professional performing artists and support crews have a 74-year average life expectancy, ten years less than the general Australian population.

New in French

Le gouvernement Trump menace la Cour pénale internationale de sanctions

Patrick Martin, 12 septembre 2018

Le conseiller à la Sécurité nationale John Bolton a menacé les membres de la CPI de sanctions juridiques et financières, voire d’arrestaion et d’emprisonement, s’ils osaient intenter de procès contre des américains.

Les élections suédoises aboutissent à une impasse et l’extrême droite monte

Gabriel Black, 12 septembre 2018

Le parti des Démocrates suédois, néo-fasciste, se fait entendre uniquement en raison de la faillite des partis au pouvoir, qui ont supervisé des décennies de coupes et de déclin sociaux.

Le Venezuela et l’hypocrisie de l’impérialisme américain

Bill Van Auken, 12 septembre 2018

Alors que l’élite au pouvoir aux États-Unis encourage l’agression contre la Russie avec des assertions sur son « intervention » électorale, elle complote le renversement des gouvernements élus et des invasions militaires.

Le procès s’ouvre 5 ans après l’homicide fasciste de Clément Méric

Anthony Torres, 12 septembre 2018

Alors qu’elles tentent de dédiaboliser le néofascisme, la police et la classe politique tentent de laver l’homicide de Méric.

Podemos propose de « co-gouverner » avec le gouvernement du Parti socialiste espagnol

Alejandro López, 12 septembre 2018

Podemos signale aux banques qu’il tentera de stabiliser l’actuel gouvernement pro-austérité avec lequel il a tout au plus des différences mineures.

Troisième mois du lock-out de National Grid au Massachusetts

John Marion, 12 septembre 2018

Les travailleurs en lock-out ont souffert tout au long de l'été de l'absence de revenus, d'une assurance maladie inexistante, ou alors inadéquate et à coût exorbitant, et de leur isolement, qui a été imposé par les syndicats.

New in German

Venezuela und die Heuchelei des US-Imperialismus

Bill Van Auken, 12. September 2018

Die USA werfen Russland vor, sich in Wahlen einzumischen, betreiben aber den Sturz gewählter Regierungen.

Wahl in Schweden: Pattsituation und Stimmenzuwachs für die Rechtsextremen

Gabriel Black, 12. September 2018

Die neofaschistischen Schwedendemokraten konnten nur Gehör finden, weil die bankrotten Regierungsparteien für jahrzehntelange Kürzungen und Sozialabbau verantwortlich sind.

Opel-Demontage geht in die nächste Runde

Marianne Arens, 12. September 2018

Mit dem Einstieg eines Engineering-Dienstleisters im Rüsselsheimer ITEZ geht die schrittweise Demontage des Opel-Konzerns in die nächste Runde.

Die Socialist Equality Party und die Verschwörung zum Sturz Corbyns: Eine Antwort an einen Leser

Chris Marsden, 12. September 2018

Wir überlassen die Führung nicht Corbyn, und wir weichen auch nicht vor einem politischen Kampf zurück, der Zehntausende Arbeiter und junge Leute gegen die rechte Verschwörung politischer Krimineller stellt, die für Austerität und Krieg stehen.

New in Spanish

Venezuela y la hipocresía del imperialismo estadounidense

Por Bill Van Auken, 12 septiembre 2018

Mientras que la élite gobernante estadounidense promueve su agresión contra Rusia alegando “injerencia” electoral en EUA, trama el derrocamiento de Gobiernos electos e invasiones militares.

Masivas protestas de estudiantes en la Ciudad de México

Por Don Knowland, 12 septiembre 2018

Los estudiantes denunciaron ataques de violentos grupos de choque de estudiantes de derecha dirigidos por políticos y autoridades.

Cincuenta años desde la invasión del Pacto de Varsovia a Checoslovaquia: tercera parte
La intervención de los pablistas

Por Clara Weiss, 12 septiembre 2018

El 20 y 21 de agosto de 1968, decenas de miles de soldados del Pacto de Varsovia invadieron Checoslovaquia para aplastar la “Primavera de Praga” y sofocar un movimiento naciente de la clase trabajadora. Esta es la tercera parte de cuatro.

¡Los maestros deben vincular su lucha con otros docentes a nivel nacional e internacional!

Por Niles Niemuth, 12 septiembre 2018

Los maestros de los EUA han regresado a las aulas en condiciones de una implacable agresión contra la educación pública.

New in Turkish

1968: Fransa’da genel grev ve öğrenci isyanı
3. Bölüm: Alain Krivine’in JCR’si Stalinizmin ihanetlerini nasıl gizledi (2)

Peter Schwarz, 11 Eylül 2018

Pablocular Stalinistler ile çatışmalardan dikkatle kaçınıyorlardı. Onlar, işçi sınıfı ile Stalinist önderlik arasındaki ilişkileri kötüleştirecek ve PCF için bir krize zemin hazırlayacak her türlü siyasi girişimden uzak durdular.

New in Romanian

Ca consecință a coborârii ratingului, se apropie disponibilizări masive la Ford

De Shannon Jones, 10 septembrie 2018

Coborârea ratingului la Ford la aproape un statut gunoi este o avertizare de la Wall Street pentru a presa patronatul ca să intensifice atacurile la muncitori.

New in Russian

Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Красная армия начинает наступление на Казань

10 сентября 2018 г.

7 сентября 1918 года Красная армия начала обстрел Казани, наиболее важного города, оказавшегося под контролем контрреволюционных сил, боровшихся против большевистского режима.

New in Arabic

الاشتراكية والهمجية: تأملات في الفوضى الشاملة.

٥ شباط فبراير ٢٠١٨

في شهر أكتوبر 2017 ، ألقى دافيد نورث محاضرة بمناسبة مئوية ثورة أكتوبر في معهد سانت أندروز في سكوتلاندا، وقبل المحاضرة أجرى معه آدم ستروم ، رئيس تحرير الصحيفة الرسمية الناطقة باسم جمعية سانت أندروز الاقتصادية هذه المقابلة ونحن نعيد نشر المقابلة التي سبق أن نشرت في الموقع الإلكتروني للصحيفة في السادس والعشرين من شهر نوفمبر 2017.

Other Languages


Seventeen years after 9/11: From “war on terror” to “great power conflict”

12 September 2018

On the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, Washington is on the verge of launching a massive new Syrian offensive in defense of Al Qaeda-linked forces.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured Commentary

The political roots of the terror attack on New York and Washington

By David North and David Walsh, 12 September 2001

We are republishing the World Socialist Web Site’s analysis, first posted on September 12, 2001, of the 9/11 terror attacks that killed over 3,000 people and became the pretext for launching the “War on Terror.”

A week of crisis and deepening dysfunction in US politics

By Patrick Martin, 10 September 2018

German Secret Service denies neo-Nazi violence in Chemnitz

By Johannes Stern, 10 September 2018


Growing support for socialism among students across the US

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US), 12 September 2018

Youth and students across the US spoke to the IYSSE on a wide range of issues, including social inequality, opposition to war and militarism, and above all, their interest in socialism.

CIA out of University of Illinois Chicago!

By IYSSE at University of Illinois at Chicago, 8 September 2018

Join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality and take up the fight for socialism!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US), 31 August 2018

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Teachers must link up their fight with educators nationally and internationally!

By Niles Niemuth, 11 September 2018

Socialist Equality Party candidate Niles Niemuth on ballot for Michigan’s 12th Congressional District

By our reporter, 5 September 2018

Socialist Equality Party campaign for Michigan’s 12th congressional district website

16 August 2018

Visit our website to find out how you can get involved in Niles Niemuth’s campaign against war, inequality and dictatorship, and for the socialist transformation of society.

Elissa Slotkin: A CIA Democrat runs for Congress in Michigan

Workers Struggles

Critically injured Kokomo Fiat Chrysler worker faces protracted recovery

By Shannon Jones, 11 September 2018

UAW silent after Fiat Chrysler worker injured at Kokomo casting plant

More on autoworkers issues »

National Grid’s lockout of Massachusetts gas workers in third month

By John Marion, 11 September 2018

Workers Struggles: The Americas
Teachers in Argentina vote for limited strike actions

11 September 2018

Thousands of rank-and-file US Steel workers cast unanimous votes to strike

By Jessica Goldstein, 8 September 2018

What is the Teamsters for a Democratic Union?

By Tom Mackaman, 8 September 2018

Teamsters announces October 5 vote deadline
Vote “no” on the UPS-Teamsters sellout contract! Form rank-and-file committees to organize opposition!

By the WSWS UPS Workers Newsletter, 6 September 2018

Break the UPS-Teamsters conspiracy! Mobilize opposition to the sellout contract!

More on the struggle at UPS »

Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand) forum reviews lessons of nursing union sellout

International Amazon Workers Voice

Injured Amazon worker Angela: “If workers controlled Bezos’ billions, nobody would be homeless”

The International Amazon Workers Voice (IAWV) spoke to Angela Shelton, an injured worker at the DFW7 Amazon fulfillment center in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, where a number of injured workers have recently been made homeless.

“Amazon thinks I’m a piece of trash on the ground and they’ll walk all over me”
Amazon Nightmare: Grandmother injured on the job goes homeless, suffers pneumonia

By Eric London and Zac Corrigan, 3 September 2018

Life under capitalism for an American youth
Injured Texas Wal-Mart worker describes how and why she switched to socialism

By Eric London, 5 September 2018

More on Amazon »

Public meetings in Australia

Nick Beams to lecture at Australian universities on the contemporary significance of Karl Marx

6 September 2018

The lectures will make clear that Marx’s theoretical breakthroughs were inextricably linked to his political work as a revolutionary determined to arm the emerging working class with a program that advanced its independent interests.

SEP Australia public meeting in Sydney: The key political issues behind the coup against Turnbull

6 September 2018

As international relations and parliamentary forms of rule break down, the ruling elite is terrified of the growing left-wing sentiment among workers and young people.


Venezuela and the hypocrisy of US imperialism

By Bill Van Auken, 11 September 2018

Trump administration threatens sanctions against International Criminal Court

By Patrick Martin, 11 September 2018

Podemos proposes to “co-govern” with Spain’s Socialist Party government

By Alejandro López, 10 September 2018

Syriza jails Syrian swimmer Sara Mardini for helping refugees in Greece

By Kumaran Ira, 10 September 2018

US officials met with Venezuelan military to discuss coup plot

By Alexander Fangmann, 10 September 2018

New York Times covers up Google’s censorship

By Andre Damon, 7 September 2018

A warning to the working class
Facebook’s partnership with the Atlantic Council

In Senate hearing, Facebook pledges to replace “bad speech” with “alternative facts”

A record $31.5 trillion hoarded by corporate oligarchs

The Socialist Equality Party and the anti-Corbyn coup plot: A reply to a reader

By Chris Marsden, 5 September 2018

Reject the anti-Semitism slurs against Jeremy Corbyn! Drive out the Labour Party right wing!

Arts Review

Bisbee ’17: The deportation of Arizona copper miners is a “still-polarizing event”

By Joanne Laurier, 10 September 2018

Leave No Trace: An Iraq War veteran looks to leave the world behind

By Kevin Martinez, 6 September 2018

100 years since the birth of American filmmaker Robert Aldrich
Including an interview with film historian Tony Williams

By David Walsh, 31 August 2018

One of the greatest musical figures of the 20th century
The centenary of Leonard Bernstein—Part 2

By Fred Mazelis, 25 August 2018

One of the greatest musical figures of the 20th century
The centenary of Leonard Bernstein—Part 1

25 years ago: Clinton begins campaign for NAFTA ratification

On September 14, 1993, the US administration of President Bill Clinton began its efforts to win ratification of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

More »

50 years ago: 300,000 participate in silent march in Mexico City

On September 13, 1968, the student-led National Strike Council organized a silent march through Mexico City, which mobilized some 300,000 protesters.

More »

75 years ago: German troops expand occupation of Italy

On September 10, 1943, German troops invaded Naples, Rome and other Italian cities.

More »


100 years ago: Trotsky appeals to Czechoslovak troops

On September 13, 1918, in an appeal written days after the capture of Kazan by the Red Army, Leon Trotsky issued a special appeal to the Czechoslovak forces fighting on the side of the counterrevolution.

More »

History of the Fourth International

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

By David North, 3 September 2018

The founding of the Fourth International on September 3, 1938, was an event of great historical significance and contemporary relevance.

Historic discovery of Left Opposition manuscripts from the early 1930s

Teachers Struggles

Reject the sellout in Seattle! For a statewide and national teachers strike!

By WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 8 September 2018

The WSWS Teacher Newsletter urges Seattle teachers meeting today to vote “no” and immediately constitute themselves as an independent rank-and-file committee to plan a serious struggle.

Striking Tacoma, Washington, teachers demand better pay, funding for education

Tacoma teachers strike as walkouts spread across Washington

Seattle Education Association orders teachers to work without contract vote


Waste plastics poison the food chain and contribute to global warming

By Philip Guelpa, 7 September 2018

Book Review

Olen Steinhauer’s The Middleman: An American uprising, darkly imagined

By James Brookfield, 5 September 2018

At the outset of The Middleman a group of approximately 400 Americans scattered throughout the country suddenly disappear from their day-to-day lives without telling friends and family.

Seymour Hersh’s Reporter: A life exposing government lies and crimes

By Andre Damon, 3 September 2018

Seymour Hersh, the investigative journalist who played a leading role in exposing the 1968 My Lai massacre in Vietnam and the Bush Administration’s torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, has published a long-awaited autobiography.


Fifty years since the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia: Part one
Establishment of a deformed workers’ state in Czechoslovakia

By Clara Weiss, 28 August 2018

On August 20-21, 1968, tens of thousands of troops of the Warsaw Pact states invaded Czechoslovakia to crush the “Prague Spring” and stifle a nascent movement of the working class. This is the first part of a four-part series.

Part two | Part three | Part four


Arsène Tchakarian (1916–2018): The Manouchian Group’s resistance struggle
Part 1: The political origins and military record of the resistance fighters

By Francis Dubois and Alex Lantier, 30 August 2018

Arsène Tchakarian (1916-2018): the Manouchian Group’s resistance struggle
Part 2: Who betrayed the Manouchian Group?

International Committee of the Fourth International

Resolution of the SEP (US) Fifth National Congress
The Resurgence of Class Struggle and the Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

8 August 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Socialist Equality Party Congress, held from July 22–27, 2018.

Opening report to the Fifth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US)

By David North, 4 August 2018

Preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 21 June 2018

We are posting the new preface written by David North for the soon to be released thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend: A Contribution to the History of the Fourth International.

Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

Security and the Fourth International

An “Exemplary Comrade”: The Socialist Workers Party’s 40-year-long cover-up of Stalinist spy Sylvia Callen: Part one

By Eric London, 14 August 2018

This is the first part in a four-part series examining the cover-up by the Socialist Workers Party beginning in 1947 of information exposing the role of Sylvia Callen, the personal secretary of long-time party leader James P. Cannon, as a Stalinist agent.

Part two | Part three | Part four

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Fourth International and the co-leader of the Russian Revolution, died from wounds inflicted the day before by an assassin, the Stalinist GPU agent Ramon Mercader.

Defend Julian Assange!

London: Ecuador embassy vigil marks six years since Julian Assange granted asylum

By Paul Mitchell, 18 August 2018

Christine Assange, mother of WikiLeaks editor: “I’ve not been able to speak to my son for four months”

By Richard Phillips, 24 July 2018

Mueller investigation seeks to implicate WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in “Russian interference”

Protest in London against Ecuadorian President Moreno’s persecution of Julian Assange

The Turnbull government must act to repatriate Australian citizen Julian Assange to Australia

Bringing Julian Assange Home

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.