Internet rights at the Human Rights Council 39th session Geneva 09 September 2018 By Deborah Brown and Sebastián Becker Castellaro (APC) and Aurora A. Sauter (Access Now)

The 39th session of the HRC is taking place on 10-28 September 2018 in Geneva. A number of reports, resolutions and side events will address the online dimension of human rights issues, in addition to Universal Periodic Review reports that touch on specific governments’ records on internet righ...

Save Your Internet: Delete Article 13 04 September 2018 By Save Your Internet

In the run-up to the 12 September vote in the European Parliament Plenary, we encourage you to join the Copyright Action Week from 4 to 11 September. The goal is to amplify the voices of communities impacted by Article 13. 

Community networks recognised as an emerging topic in UN resolution on WSIS follow-up Geneva 04 September 2018 By APCNews

The need to include community networks as a solution to access gaps in the World Summit on the Information Society follow-up and implementation process was the main focus of APC’s participation at this year’s Commission on Science and Technology for Development session. 

Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves? Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves? 31 August 2017

This project aims to address the following questions: Are local access infrastructure models a viable alternative to connecting the unconnected, and if so, what are the circumstances that make them successful? What are the benefits to the local community in terms of well-being, gender equity and social or economic development where connectivity infrastructure is locally owned?

African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) 22 March 2017

AfriSIG, an initiative co-organised by APC and NEPAD, is a multistakeholder training initiative that aims to give Africans from diverse sectors and stakeholder groups the opportunity to gain knowledge and confidence to participate effectively in internet governance processes and debates. 

Building EROTICS Networks in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka Building EROTICS Networks in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka 25 April 2016

Building on a strong pre-existing coalition, this project will strengthen the participation of an already participating country (India, with active network member Point of View), and bring in new actors from two new countries:  Sri Lanka, with Women and Media Collective, and Nepal, with LOOM.

Global Information Society Watch Global Information Society Watch 30 August 2010

Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) is an annual report co-produced by the APC network and partners, which looks at the progress being made in creating an inclusive information society worldwide (particularly in implementing WSIS goals), encourages critical debate, and strengthens networking and advocacy for a just, inclusive information society.

How to use social media for activism 23 August 2018 Nana Darkoa for

Here are some tips and insights on how to use social media for activism and movement building. These are learnings from the vocal and active African feminists who have used the internet and social media to amplify their causes.

Closing distances and fuelling the Philippine internet governance community via remote participation at APrIGF 2018 18 August 2018 Liza Garcia from Foundation for Media Alternatives

I did not fly to Vanuatu for the 2018 Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum. But still, I participated in this year's APrIGF, albeit remotely.

Measuring the digital divide: Why we should be using a women-centred analysis 04 July 2018 Nic Bidwell

Targeting "the gap" between women and men in access to the internet is fundamental in reaching the goal of access for all.


Inside the Information Society

David Souter writes a weekly column for APC, looking at different aspects of the information society, development and rights. David’s pieces take a fresh look at many of the issues that concern APC and its members, with the aim of provoking discussion and debate. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs by individuals and communities.

The internet of memory: Stories from the APC community

What were information and communication technologies like in the 1980s and 1990s? What are the stories of the genesis and evolution of non-profit computer networks working for social change? Twice a month, this section will take a historical look at the APC community's journey of internet activism and make links to where we are now. Join Jennifer Radloff in this retrospective trip exploring the connections between the past and the present.

India: Decriminalisation must pave the way to positive rights
India: Decriminalisation must pave the way to positive rights

The Association for Progressive Communications welcomes the verdict of the Supreme Court of India on 6 September 2018 decriminalising consensual sex between all adults, irrespective of gender.

Statement opposing Egypt’s legalisation of website blocking and communications surveillance
Statement opposing Egypt’s legalisation of website blocking and communications surveillance

The Cybercrime Law and Media Regulation Law are only the latest steps in the Egyptian government’s attempts to impose full control over the flow of information online. These actions must be opposed in order to defend Egyptians’ human rights.

Social Media Exchange, Lebanon: A Snapshot of Digital Rights Coverage in the Middle East and North Africa
Social Media Exchange, Lebanon: A Snapshot of Digital Rights Coverage in the Middle East and North Africa

APC member in Lebanon Social Media Exchange (SMEX) published this piece on digital rights issues in the Middle East and North Africa.

Foundation for Media Alternatives: Freedom of Information and Data Protection in the Philippines
Foundation for Media Alternatives: Freedom of Information and Data Protection in the Philippines

Freedom of information is the fundamental right of an individual to access information under the control or custody of the government. By its very nature, it sits at the core of any democratic nation.

Tanzania: Joint civil society letter calls on Human Rights Council member states to address crackdown on human rights
Tanzania: Joint civil society letter calls on Human Rights Council member states to address crackdown on human rights

Ahead of the 39th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in September 2018, 30 NGOs joined together to send an open letter to HRC member states, calling on them to address the ongoing crackdown on civic space and human rights backsliding in Tanzania.

APC calls for the release of photographer Shahidul Alam and for an end to crackdown on expression in Bangladesh
APC calls for the release of photographer Shahidul Alam and for an end to crackdown on expression in Bangladesh

The arrest took place amid increasing unrest, with dozens injured after police fired rubber bullets at protesters. Journalists from various news organisations were also attacked while documenting the protests, allegedly by police and supporters of the ruling party. 

Human rights in the digital context: Joint contribution from APC and Derechos Digitales to the third cycle of the UPR mechanism for Chile
Human rights in the digital context: Joint contribution from APC and Derechos Digitales to the third cycle of the UPR mechanism for Chile

This submission is a joint stakeholder contribution to the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism for Chile by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and Derechos Digitales. 

Foundation for Media Alternatives: The National ID Debate. Is the Philippines Ready?
Foundation for Media Alternatives: The National ID Debate. Is the Philippines Ready?

In 2016, discussions on security and privacy resurfaced among legislators and the public in the Philippines. Among those taken up were relevant policy proposals, like the establishment of a national identification (ID) system.

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