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Middle East

US-backed forces launch major battle against Islamic State in Syria

US-backed forces launch major battle against Islamic State in Syria

US-backed forces have launched what they hope will be the final battle for territory in the four-year old war against the Islamic State.

  • by Liz Sly


Syria's fate: a bloodbath followed by a peace to end all peace

Syria's fate: a bloodbath followed by a peace to end all peace

Assad's bloody victory in Syria now appears to be certain and the fate of civilians trapped in Idlib to be grim

  • by Nick O'Malley
Seventeen years after 9/11, al-Qaeda stronger in Syria and elsewhere

Seventeen years after 9/11, al-Qaeda stronger in Syria and elsewhere

Far from vanquishing the extremist group and its associated "franchises", critics say, US policies in the Middle East appear to have encouraged its spread.

  • by Nabih Bulos
Syria on notice of tougher response from US for chemical weapons

Syria on notice of tougher response from US for chemical weapons

US, Britain and France agreed that another use of chemical weapons by Syrian government would result in a "much stronger response", Trump's adviser said.

  • by Steve Holland
Iran's foreign minister sends Jewish New Year greetings on Twitter

Iran's foreign minister sends Jewish New Year greetings on Twitter

Iran does not recognise Israel and warned last month it would hit US and Israeli targets if it were attacked by the United States.

Russia accuses US of using phosphorus bombs in Syria

Russia accuses US of using phosphorus bombs in Syria

Russia's military says two US F-15 fighter jets have dropped phosphorus bombs over Syria's Deir al-Zor province, an allegation denied by the US.

Airstrikes batter Syria's last rebel stronghold after cease-fire bid fails

Airstrikes batter Syria's last rebel stronghold after cease-fire bid fails

Observers said the violence was the most intense in weeks, with helicopters also dropping barrel bombs packed with shrapnel.

  • by Louisa Loveluck
Human rights activists outraged as Egypt court sentences 75 to death

Human rights activists outraged as Egypt court sentences 75 to death

The mass trial has been widely condemned by organisations such as Amnesty International which called it a "grotesque parody of justice".

  • by Mohamed Ezz
After rejecting Turkey plea, Russia and Iran back offensive in Idlib

After rejecting Turkey plea, Russia and Iran back offensive in Idlib

Turkey used a summit on Friday to Turkey plead for a ceasefire to avoid what many say would be a bloody humanitarian disaster.

  • by Jon Gambrell
Paraguay changed its mind on Jerusalem. Israel reacted swiftly

Paraguay changed its mind on Jerusalem. Israel reacted swiftly

Most countries do not recognise Israeli sovereignty over the entire city and say its final status should be set in peace talks.

  • by Ali Sawafta & Daniela Desantis
Deadly suicide bomb at sports club in Afghan capital

Deadly suicide bomb at sports club in Afghan capital

A suicide bomber attacked a wrestling training centre in a mostly Shiite neighbourhood of Afghanistan's capital on Wednesday, killing at least four people, officials said.