Youth Disability Programs 2018-05-22T13:17:17+00:00

Day Service Program for Young Adults with a Disability

The CERES Day Service program for young adults with a disability was established in 2001 as a joint initiative between CERES and The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Monday to Thursday each week between 9:30am and 3pm, our group of young adults with intellectual and/or physical disabilities attend the CERES Day Service program. Days of attendance are specific to each participant.

Set on the CERES Farm, the focus is a hands-on real work approach where participants can meaningfully engage in the complex and integrated relationship between food production and consumption whilst developing strong interpersonal relationships with each other, with CERES trainers and staff, community members and members of the general public.

Participants are involved in practical activities such as animal care, planting, harvesting and cooking, assisting our market, garden maintenance, basic building and construction, as well as ongoing opportunities to work with other CERES teams.

CERES trainers are sensitive to the capabilities and interests of each participant and programs are developed and adapted accordingly. The emphasis is on respect for self, respect for each other, and respect for the environment.

Places are currently available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

CERES is the part of the DHHS North West Region and our program is registered with the NDIS. Our program sits under Core Supports funding category known as ‘Community, social and recreational activities in a group’.

CERES provides access to our day service program to all cultures and has priority access to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

This program is supported by the Victorian Government.

For more information on the CERES DHS Program please contact the Training Coordinator, Luisa Cardamone

Phone Number
9389 0124

Email Address

Download the DHS Flyer & Entry Info