About CERES Brunswick

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So far CERES Brunswick has created 30 blog entries.
15 08, 2018

Meditation Garden Working Bee #2

By | 2018-08-24T17:30:17+00:00 August 15th, 2018|Community Groups, Spiritual Ecology|0 Comments

It was a clear, crisp morning on Saturday the 4th of August, the silver wattles in full bloom and the resident magpies were building their nests in the trees above the worksite of the Meditation Garden. We milled about and whispered while the Melbourne Zen group practiced their weekly Saturday morning meditation inside the CERES learning [...]

10 08, 2018

A story of a toilet brush

By | 2018-08-13T15:27:05+00:00 August 10th, 2018|Plastic Free July|1 Comment

By Lauren Kaszubski It’s a week into August, post my Plastic Free July challenge, and I have begun to reflect on my experience. Overall, I really enjoyed my plastic-free month; although, it wasn't entirely plastic-free – there were some slip-ups, a ski holiday, and visiting guests that brought some plastic into the month of July. I tried not [...]

9 08, 2018

CERES’ new electric vehicle

By | 2018-08-13T15:26:48+00:00 August 9th, 2018|Community Groups, Energy|0 Comments

CERES had a very famous electric vehicle for its use up until recently. Our Citroen Belingo was the first electric car conversion road registered in Australia. In its day it was pioneering technology and enthusiastically built by talented volunteers from the community with backing from like minded organisations (Donkey Wheel, Swinburne University). It's CERES' [...]

6 08, 2018

Science Corner Edition 1 – Coal

By | 2018-08-13T15:27:34+00:00 August 6th, 2018|Energy, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ever had a burning science question that felt too silly to say out loud, or that lead you down a Wikipedia hole? CERES Energy Education Coordinator Tom Lang wants to answer it! Send your "how does that work?" question to sciencecorner@ceres.org.au and Tom will put his brains to work to find out. Here's Tom: [...]

27 07, 2018

Living with Integrity

By | 2018-07-29T12:28:30+00:00 July 27th, 2018|Plastic Free July, Uncategorized|0 Comments

By Freya Wrigley While most people would jump at the chance to label themselves as Superman, April Seymour feels more connected with the identity of Clark Kent. Last week I caught up with April after hearing she had committed to reducing her plastic consumption over five years ago. I found someone who ‘models a [...]

20 07, 2018

A Plastic Free Community

By | 2018-07-25T15:51:54+00:00 July 20th, 2018|Plastic Free July, Uncategorized|0 Comments

By Freya Wrigley It is easy to view #PlasticFreeJuly as the experience of giving up plastic, a process that is inconvenient and challenging. Focused on the benefit it will bring to the planet, it is easy to miss other impacts closer to you. My conversation last week with Victorian educator and powerhouse Kirsty Costa [...]

9 07, 2018

Plastic Free July Kit

By | 2018-07-09T15:49:20+00:00 July 9th, 2018|Plastic Free July|0 Comments

by Freya Wrigley Signing up to cut plastics out of my life this July was exciting and overwhelming, particularly as half the time I’m not even sure whether some items contain plastic or not. Now 9 days into the adventure of Plastic Free July, I imagine some of us are on target while others [...]

2 07, 2018


By | 2018-07-09T10:36:47+00:00 July 2nd, 2018|Plastic Free July|0 Comments

It’s cold outside - and the perfect time to get crafty! There are some plastics that seem unavoidable. There are those insidious plastics that carry the products we can’t live without and use everyday. They are the ones sitting on the shelf of the supermarket or chemist that we’ve been lead to believe are [...]

22 06, 2018

Meditation Garden Presentation

By | 2018-06-22T10:26:25+00:00 June 22nd, 2018|Community Groups, Spiritual Ecology|1 Comment

Presentation of the final detailed design by Philomena Manifold and Phillip Pender. Attended by Sophia Spring, Melbourne Zen, Melbourne Insight, CERES Site Team and the general public. The day started with a warm introduction from Nick Curmi followed by a guided meditation led by Sieta Beckwith. Standing on the Earth, in front of the [...]