
Charities & Nonprofits

We have over 15 years experience of working with organisations that share our commitment to ethical, responsible business practice, social justice and environmental sustainability.

Driving value from your digital investment.

Digital products designed to deliver.

We understand the goals and ambitions of the charity and nonprofit sectors and help our clients in the UK and internationally to:

  • Create compelling donation journeys
  • Test and improve key conversions
  • Integrate with payment gateways & CRM systems
  • Design supporter engagement & volunteer journeys
  • Create personalised user experiences
  • Setup, manage & track analytics data
“By creating a site which could allow us to storytell effectively, we knew we’d improve engagement rates and in turn deliver more donations. Thanks to our collaboration with Torchbox, we’ve seen pages per session increase 42%, the average visit increase 120% and the bounce rate fall 20%. This has resulted in a 168% increase in conversion rate.”
Lee Butler, Digital Marketing & Fundraising Manager, Médecins Sans Frontières

Our charity & nonprofit toolkit:

Digital strategy

We’ll take a deep-dive into your current digital offering, mapping your audience across multiple touchpoints (offline as well as other digital touchpoints like social media, forums, etc.). We’ll advise on the use of preference portals and personalisation technology, develop a strategy for digital fundraising, focus on long term strategic plans and identify essential quick wins.

User & audience research

Our comprehensive user research programmes are designed to help even the most digitally mature organisations uncover actionable user insights. We always synthesise our research findings into usable assets, such as personas, insights and user journeys, to ensure they remain relevant for later project phases (such as web builds or communication campaigns).

Award-winning UX design

All of our designers specialise in UX and UI Design. This ensures that our process is grounded in helping clients to deliver relevant information to the right audiences, at the right time. We create and test HTML prototypes, as well as our design assumptions, with your target audiences to ensure the sites we design not only meet user needs, but create a delightful user experience.

Mobile first web applications

We create adaptive, mobile friendly, open source websites and web applications for charities and nonprofits. Our creative process is designed to give you a sense of how applications will respond across a full range of devices, right from the start. We always adopt the latest frameworks, such as Facebook’s React, to ensure a slick cross-platform user experience.

Seamless CRM integrations

We’re experienced in designing donations pages, membership signups and logins with calls-to-actions that drive conversions. Over the years, we’ve helped charities to integrate popular payment gateways, CRMs and modern API projects and tackle complex asynchronous web services.

Data and analytics

Our dedicated Digital Marketing team are experts at getting charities Google Analytics tracking setup, and content optimised for the search engine results. From helping you to understand how valuable your content is in the eyes of your users (and Google), to optimising your site for terms that are imperative to your organisation, our search marketing team are well placed to help.

"Here at Centrepoint’s Youth Homelessness Databank we are delighted to have worked with Torchbox to develop the UK’s first ever website that turns youth homelessness data from across the country into youth homelessness knowledge."
Gaia Marcus, Youth Homelessness Databank Manager, Centrepoint

Meet the team

Our 60-strong team of UX designers, user architects, developers, software engineers and digital marketing specialists are dedicated to helping charities and nonprofits further their organisational objectives through delivering smart digital products and designing intelligent campaigns. Our large charity projects are led by:

Tom Saunders

Tom Saunders

User Experience Architect

Tom is our lead User Experience Architect. Prior to championing UX at Torchbox, Tom spent a decade running user experience research and design projects for some of the world’s leading charities, universities and social development organisations.

Maya Gibbs

Maya Gibbs

Senior Project Manager

Maya's experience lies in managing large-scale website and web application builds for our charity and nonprofit clients, including Chatham House and Centrepoint. Maya is currently working with the Youth Sports Trust to deliver a complex web application.

Phil McMinn

Phil McMinn

Head of Search

Phil heads up our Search team and helps our clients to link up their marketing efforts. From his work with the Royal College of Nursing on attribution modelling, to leading Mencap’s 'Here I Am' PPC campaign, no detail is too small for his clients.

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson

Technical Director

Tom is the co-founder of Torchbox and provides leadership to our team of software engineers and web developers. He ensures their technical approach, solution design and architectural decisions are robust and scalable.