4 key considerations when building a Twitter Ads campaign

Chloe Mier

By Chloe Mier

August 02, 2018
Freelance Job

Looking to get started with Twitter Ads? Our Customer Success Specialist, @ChloeMier, shares her tips.

As a customer success specialist, it’s our job to work with our clients to make sure they are set up for success and getting the most out of their Twitter Ads. When it comes to setting up your own campaign on Twitter, there are a few key factors to consider. 

With these four core elements of your campaign defined ahead of time, you will be on your way to success.


Before you begin building a campaign, it is important to have a clear idea of what you want it to accomplish. Are you trying to raise brand awareness and acquire new followers, or are you trying to drive traffic to your website? Twitter offers a variety of campaign objectives within the campaign builder — each designed to perform and optimize toward your desired goal.


How will you be measuring your campaign success? Your KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, will determine the specific metrics you will use to measure the results of your campaigns. KPIs are important because they tell you what worked well in your campaign, as well as indicating what can be improved.

Note that each different campaign objective offered within the Twitter Ads manager is designed to optimize toward a specific KPI and that you only pay-per-result. For example, if you run a Video Views campaign, your main KPI would be views, and you will only be charged when someone actually watches your video.


What makes Twitter such a powerful tool for advertisers is that it attracts a highly engaged global audience from all backgrounds, passionate about a variety of interests. If you’re looking to find out what’s happening on any given topic, you’re nearly guaranteed to find it. 

Having a clear idea of who your particular audience is, and how best to reach them on Twitter will help ensure your success. The Ads Manager offers a variety of robust targeting options to help ensure your ads are put in front of your audience. Whether you are going after a niche or broad target there are tools in the Ads Manager to help.


Your creative is your most important “asset”. This is the main feature of your ad on Twitter, and is ultimately a key factor in the success of your campaign. With people being exposed to an influx of ads on a daily basis, it is important to stand out.

Within Twitter’s Ads Manager, you are given the option to upload an utilize a variety of creative formats, such as images and video. The Twitter Ads Manager also offers options for creating cards, which are a clickable unit with your copy and asset together in a Tweet.

Remember: Campaigns that have strong, eye-catching creative with a clear call to action typically perform much better than those without. When in doubt, just remember the three “R’s” - Resonance, Relevance, and Recency.

Once you have these questions figured out already you’re ready to start creating your campaigns. 

Additional reading:

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